Chapter 7

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I look up at Thiago who is still laughing and I roll my eyes what is wrong with this man like who does he think he is

"Why would you do that..... Do you get a kick on making people feel bad" I ask with tears almost in my eyes

"Why would you be around tiny needle Clark like you already have things against you and he will make it worse" he says

"You didn't have to embarrass him like that he was genuinely nice and that's not easy to i stop what I'm saying being I'm gonna embarrass myself" if  I say it

"What not easy to meet nice people since you have pounds on you was that the stupid nonsense you were going to say" he ask

"I... Why are you here other then trying to make me feel worse about myself"   I start

"Well for your information I was looking for you because my mom told me about your situation and I said yeah" he shrugs

"Looking for me? why we don't run in the same tri state area so don't even say the same circle" I tell him

"Uhh your mom told me you need help with losing a few pounds and studying Spanish so she hired me"  he says and shrugs his shoulders

"She Did WHAT! so not only does she think I'm fat she thinks I'm stupid too great" I say

"Whoa I didn't say that but I just wanted to let you know and you can't back out I need the money" he says and starts walking away

"Wait well  I'm not gonna do it and why you're rich" I yell

"Yes you are and you don't need to know why" he yells back and disappears

I'm so angry!!  I can only think of absolutely hurting my mom how can she do this think so low of me

I walk very quickly to get back home I don't know how I'm going to control myself around her like all I can think of is putting my hands on her or having my head explode

When I get to my home I slam my front door and theyre both downstairs watching tv good for her shell have a witness from keeping me from killing her

"Nell have you lost your mind slamming my door like that" mom started yelling

"Oh slamming the doors should be the least of your worries mom" I yell again

"What is going on with you and why are you yelling at your own mother" she says

"Am I so embarrassing and ugly to you that you had to that and lemme not forget I'm stupid right" I yell

"Honey what is Nell talking about?" dad ask

"Yeah huh what am I talking about mother" I say and roll my eyes

"I have no clue it's like you are going crazy after that walk" she yells back

"No how about that my mom is so embarrassed of having a plus size daughter, and that I never make friends and now you think I need tutoring for spanish so hire your dumbass friend popular son thinking he can help me out huh"
I yell

"Oh hunny how did you..." She starts

"Oh so it doesn't bother you that you did do it you're mad of the way I found out" I scream

"Pearla what is she taking about?" dad ask again

"I.. Was just trying to help you" she says

"Oh help right mom by which list of these 3 things sound like help to you paying someone to get to be my friend, lose some pounds or tutor me huh because you think I'm in idiot on top of fat right" I say

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