Chapter 27

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The next morning we wake up super early and drive back home because I have 2 classes that I can't miss because I have test in both of them at least I'm ready even after this weekend trip I'm thinking Thiago dropping me off at home and then speeding to school but he actually turns towards the school

"Um you are dropping me off really at school?" I ask

"Yeah Nell I'm really dropping you off you don't wanna be late right?" he ask

"Yeah you're right but my bags" I say

"I'll bring them to you later tonight if that's alright with you?" he ask

"Yeah it is" I say and he parks his car and I grab my mini book bag

"Hey Nell wait!" he says and I turn quickly back at him and he smashes his lips against mine and we have a prolonged kiss I'm in shock

"I wanted too" he said and shrugged it off before I even had a chance to ask

"Uh okay cool" and I get out and run off to take my first test no one is really on campus but I did spot Santiago looking at me and Thiago and Thiago just waved at him
Once I enter I honestly breeze through the rest and I'm so happy because I actually studied the correct stuff for it once done we are allowed to walk out so I head out

And just sit on a picnic table and people watch which is one of my favorite things to do when I turn I see Thiago and his friends sitting just chatting and I begin to watch them and mostly just stare at Thiago

"So you gonna admit you like him yet?" Amaia says

"I mean yeah I do" I say sighing

"So now that we've passed that when are you going to tell him?" she asked

"Amaia I can't that's embarrassing I already know what he's going to say same thing he did this weekend" I say

"And what was it?" she asked

"That he's not sure he can be in a relationship he's not that type of guy but what he wanted to say is he can't be in a relationship with me" I say

"Nell if a man wants to lay naked and fuck you that man wants you no doubt" she says

"Or his dick gets hard for anyone so they're are a slut" I say laughing

"Girl stop talking like that okay you and Thiago come from different places right but he's not a dickwad like my brother" Amaia whispers

"Well he hides any sentimental feeling he has for me Amaia in public this weekend was great he was basically my boyfriend kissed me in front of people held my hand I sat on his lap but he won't do that here so are they really not the same" I say

"Nell you should address it with him don't let him have his way unless you actually want to have sex with him and don't care that he's not yours" she says

"I mean i have needs I want sex but who knows Amaia I just wish he'd talk to me in public you get not flowers and chocolate but something you know" I say

"Yeah I get you girl I could kick him in the balls for being so stupid" she says

"Haha I love you" I say laughing and don't even realize he came to sit next to me and left his friends

"Hey Nell what's so funny" he says

"Umm hi Thiago and nothing girl talk" I say and Amaia nods

"So after school come with me and then I'll drop you home okay" he says

"Uh sure what are we doing?" I ask

"You'll see I'll show you later" and then Enzo joins

"Thiago why'd you leave the group man but anyways you free later" Enzo says and ignores us

"I was talking to Nell and no I got plans see y'all around" he says and walks away

Enzo turns and looks at his sister

"Amaia what's going on?" He ask

"Other then your ugly face being here nothing which is weird" she says

"Okay have a good day to you too and I don't know how Nell is friends with you" he says and walks

"They say having brothers is a good thing I still haven't figured out Enzo" Amaia says laughing

We hug each other and I go take my other test and this one was harder but I still believe I did pretty good I exit the classroom and school and see Thiago standing by his car and I walk over

"Are you ready Nell?" He ask

"You going to tell me what we are doing? "I ask

"We're playing dodge ball" he says and drives 5 minutes to this park
He parks and we get out and walk over he then starts taking off his shirt and smokes a cigarette before speaking this man is so fine has me speechless

"We're playing dodge ball" he says and drives 5 minutes to this park He parks and we get out and walk over he then starts taking off his shirt and smokes a cigarette before speaking this man is so fine has me speechless

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"Thaigo I suck and hate sports" I say

"No you don't princess I saw you do pretty good that day everyone played at school" he says

"That was a lucky day and Amaia was way better and there's alot players missing" I complain

"Princess just try and have fun with me please" he says

We start playing and Thiago manages to hit me with the ball no matter if I run or not I just keep laughing at how bad I'm doing

"Baby I don't know if you are playing this bad on purpose or really this bad today" he says

"I told you its pointless I suck at this actual working out would be better then this" I said putting my hands up

"I know something you'd be fantastic at well 2 things actually" he said

"Okay hit me let's hear it" I said wondering

"Well riding my dick and rocking my world" he says nonchalantly

"How do you know that?" I say

"Well practice makes perfect baby and trust I'm done to practice all you want and you already rock my world" Nell he says and kisses me I blush and smile at him

"Now let's go to my house and hang out" he says grabbing the bags and balls and puts his arm over my shoulders
Once we get there we get out and I notice his moms car he holds my hand and pulls me

"Mom it's me I have a visitor with me" he yells

"Okay Thiago sweetheart who is it?"she ask he nudges

"Hello Mrs. Axel" I yell

"Oh Nell honey hello okay you kids have fun!" and we run up the stairs

"Now let's be alone" he says and winks

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