Chapter 30

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i've been chilling at home all day and i go downstairs  to open the door for Amaia she come to get ready for the formal it hasn't even started and somehow i'm already over it i sigh and roll my eyes

"hey bestie girl whats the long face for?" she ask

"i'm over it my mom already said all i have to do to make sure i look good and how she needs millions of pictures and cant wait to see me have the time of my life girl she is literally living her dreams through me so annoying" i say

"i know my mom is the same every year at least this is your first run and i mean you are going with matias have i mentioned how hot he is!" she says laughing 

"yeah i'm excited about that he looks cool but you are also going with Santiago don't think i forgot" i say winking at her

"were going as friends and yeah yeah but Matias isn't Thiago right!" she says

"me and Thiago are over whatever we were doing it had to be down amaia i'm not saying i wanted love right like skip off and get married but he could've told me about the formal, why he's taking Missy anything but no he continues in secrets" i say

"what if he proves it to you that you can be public or he at least tries?" she ask me

"Then i'm not sure i don't know what he wants he doesn't really talk and you know in the beginning i thought he was the one who really wanted sex but i did too i just don't get why he couldn't be public with me" i say

"Well for you i hope he tries because i see something good for you both and i mean girl i don't blame you i think about sex all the time but your first time i get you there's the decency of him showing you he cares" she says

"yeah if only then i could be lying in bed with him but what ever forget Thiago lets both try to have fun today that sounds like a plan" i say  we both laugh and head upstairs and start getting ready

Thaigo Pov 

I'm at home sitting on the coach between my emotions going between anger, sadness, and just guilt its all my fault that if my plan doesn't go through tonight i'm going to lose the one girl that i actually feel something for because i'm a dumb ass who cares about his reputation  apparently the doorbell finally rings and i get out of my thoughts to answer it since no one is home  when i look its Enzo why is he here just what i need.

"hey Enzo what bring you by?" i say

"Can i come in Thiago?" he asked

"uh sure but you realize we both have to get ready for that Formal our moms will be really angry if were late" i say and he sits on the coach. 

"it wont i just heard something and i was coming to check if it is true" he says

"okay hit me?" ask away i say 

"so i was with some the girls we hangout with because you know me and Ashley have something going on and apparently two of them saw you and Nell at the park looking like a couple making out and stuff" he says

well i knew it was gonna happen at some point fitting i guess people find out when Nell basically completely ends what we were doing with each other.

"so i came to ask you what's going did they confuse you with someone else i mean i couldn't believe it but you know girls they say anything whether they saw it or didn't" he says

"Yeah enzo it was me and Nell" i say 

"you and Nell were just there working out like usual because of her parents asking you" he says 

"no for fucks sakes Enzo it was me and Nell that were making out and doing stuff yes they caught us together is that easier for you to get" i say annoyed

"i didn't know you liked her man i'm supposed to be your best friend and you didn't want to tell me" he says 

"please Enzo you would've laughed said i could do better i know you man you are just like most people in our world you even find it weird dudes can be into your sister because shes curvy" i say

"i wouldn't Thiago you are my best friend i don't judge you just like you me okay and i know i can be a dick but i care about Amaia i'm her brother i supposed to tease her but i don't think no one can like her heck i know santiago and a few others like her" he says

"Well it doesn't matter anyways me and her over" I say

"You choose to end it why?" He ask

"I didn't choose Enzo I asked Missy to the ball and not her heck I didn't even tell her about it so she hates that I want to keep us a secret and is now going to the formal with Matias" I say

"Well you can't give up if you like her thats stupid I get it you made a mistake but you clearly really like her" he says

"Yeah that's what I'm trying to figure out ill see you at the formal okay I should get ready" I say

"Okay see ya later brother" he says and walks out I run upstairs to get  ready shower and get dressed and walk out to go pick up Missy once we're in the cat we drive their I'm just glad with her we both don't have to put up a front about liking each other
We arrive at the ball and I get the door and help Missy out of the car and we walk in and do a walk through of the place of course like every year it's really extravagant

"Okay see ya later brother" he says and walks out I run upstairs to get  ready shower and get dressed and walk out to go pick up Missy once we're in the cat we drive their I'm just glad with her we both don't have to put up a front about liking ea...

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After grabbing both of us drinks I stare and I finally see Nell and my heart stops God damn the woman knows how to take my breath away there is no way I'm letting her spend the entire night with my brother fuck that she's mine

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After grabbing both of us drinks I stare and I finally see Nell and my heart stops God damn the woman knows how to take my breath away there is no way I'm letting her spend the entire night with my brother fuck that she's mine

After grabbing both of us drinks I stare and I finally see Nell and my heart stops God damn the woman knows how to take my breath away there is no way I'm letting her spend the entire night with my brother fuck that she's mine

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"You should definitely go get her tonight Thiago she looks stunning" Missy says

"Missy I agree with you Missy and I will definitely be doing that" I say while getting my plans ready

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