Chapter 38

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We walk over to where the group is and Ben is the first one of the group to speak

"Ahh you must be the infamous Nell I'm Benjamin I've been friends with your boyfriend for years and this is my fiance Hailey!" he says

"Uh yess I'm Nell nice to meet you both" I say smiling 

"Finally you got here Nell this man was bitching  and complaining all night because you weren't here" Enzo says

"Aww that's sweet I was trying to give him boys time" I say

"I told you I was good babe but I'm happy now that you are here now" he says

"Can you believe it the biggest party goers are officially taken and loyal" Nick says

"So you two were the biggest players huh and you are getting married now?" i say

"Yes actually in a month will we see you there!" Hailey ask

I'm about to answer no when Thiago cuts infront of me

"Yes she will be my date we can't wait to see you both walk down the aisle" Thiago says and I smile

After a while everyone is talking and having fun and I turn to Thiago letting him know I want a drink and he grabs my hand

"Let's go get you one okay" he says and we walk to the kitchen and he grabs a cup and fills it with punch and I just lean against the the counter

"Here you go beautiful" he says and get in between my legs  and starts kissing on my neck

"Thiago what do you want?" I ask

"I want to go home and be wrapped in between cuddles and other things with you anything with you but be here"   he says.

"We barely lasted 30 minutes since I got here!" I say

"Well I've been here way to long so I count that enough time for both of us" and kisses on top of my boob he says

"Fine you win let's go" I say

"Yess music to my ears" and he pulls pretty much making us run to the car

Kylie POV

I've been trying all night to talk to Thiago and nothing and once his stupid ass girlfriend walks in he sees no one but her I'm so over it

"I just saw the two love birds leave so I guess you failed tonight" my sister Camilla says laughing

"Why are you laughing you're getting no better with Matias so really what do you have to gloat about" I say

"Oh girl please I've already come to terms he doesn't want me and never will especially since it's being forced on him" she says

"Well I'm not giving up I love Thiago and deep down he does too" I say

"Are you sure? or you just want the life he could give you or you want to make sure you make our grandparents and his happy" she says

"All of it what can he possibly see in that fat bitch she doesn't fit in his world" I say

"I mean she's pretty you sound petty and dumb and love doesn't have class level and I'm sorry to tell you sis Thiago is different completely with her he seems to love her" she says

"Shut up what would you know when your already quitting on Matias when he doesn't have a woman" I say

"I know when to give up while you are still in denial that there's a chance between you and Thiago give it up you aren't and will never be what he wants clearly" she says

"You are the worst sister ever you are supposed to believe in me or at least support me" I say

"I'm trying to make you réalize how dumb you look" she said and I sigh

Thiago POV

Me and Nell finally get to my house and we walk in and go change then we sit on the couch and I put her legs on top of mine

"So you brought me home to sit on the couch" she laughs

"I rather spend time alone with you babe then be at that party" he says

"Okay so whose wedding are we going to?" she ask

"Oh Benjamin and Hailey they got engaged last year I've known Ben basically my whole life" I says

"Was he really a party boy?" I ask

"Yeah even more then I was and everyone thinks I was over the top but he was definitely worse and then Hailey came and changed all that" he says

"Do you miss that sometimes?" I ask

"No I'm happy I know its a change to everyone even myself but I like having a girlfriend and spending time with her it definitely because it's you" he says and kisses my lips

"I try not to swoon with the things you say but it hard not to" I say

"Then swoon baby because you drive me crazy with feelings" he says and kisses my lips and he turns on the TV to watch

I look at him in his basketball shorts and he's so cute I start playing with his hair and he streaks his hand up and down my leg

I then decide to straddle him and look at him and he kisses me and puts his hand on my ass when we come up for air he looks at me

"Nell you know we don't have too i enjoy just spending time with you" he says

"I know you proved that I just want to" I say and kiss him again and he helps me out of my top and bra at the she time and starts kissing down my body and lies me down beneath him He looks at me and smiles

"You are so fucking beautiful babe" he says and starts kissing his way down while taking off my shorts and panties and then finally licks in between my legs and I pull on his hair

"Fuck Nell baby you are becoming my obsession" he says and licks me faster rubs my clit faster and I cum and he immediately comes up puts on a condom and enters me

"Shit thiago yes babe" and he slams his mouth on mine and I match his pace he then lift up and puts one of my legs over his shoulder and starts pounding into me again

"Ahh fuck I'm so deep baby you're fucking perfect for me!" he says

"Thiago I can't hold anymore you feel way to good" I moan

"Its okay my love let go with me" he says and pounds into twice and grunts as we both let go

And we both relax and just lay on the couch and he strokes his hand on my body and I look at him

"I can't believe I'm doing this" I say

"Doing what?" He ask

"Laying naked on a couch with my boyfriend who is you i always used to read books about this or hear other girls stories and I told myself I would never do this" I say

"I never thought I'd get a girlfriend I thought relationships were stupid until the day you told me you were going go walk out of my life I really couldn't take it at all so um Nell I want to know if you regret your first time we never talked about it" he says

"No I don't regret it I thought it was great and I really like dating you" I say

"Good because I'm happy to be dating you and I'm just making sure I don't want you to think it didn't mean anything to me it did I'm happy to be your first time it meant alot to me you have no idea" he says and kisses me and we just lay until we got bed

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