Chapter 19

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After the party it's been a week and I haven't spoken to Thiago, I mean he's been pretty much completely ignoring my existence for the past week so I've been doing the same since I don't care he has no right to be upset and mad I should with the crap he pulled and can't even explain why? He did that

I finally get home from class today and no one is home so I just go upstairs and lie down for a couple hours when I'm watching my favorite movie I notice the door bell rings I try ignoring thinking it's someone for my parents but then it's non stop and banging on the door starts and I just get up and walk down and yank the door open to see Thiago

He smiles and leans on the wall

"Hey princess let's get dressed and go out" he says

"So after avoiding me for an entire week you just pop up out of nowhere and says let's go out huh" I say

"Yes now go get that sexy ass of yours dressed and ready to go!" he says

"Explain Thiago I'm not just gonna jump because you say so" I say

"Fine I talk and you get dressed let's go" he pulls my hand upstairs and head to my room where he sits on the bed

"Where are we going what do i wear?" I ask

"To the gym so leggings or shorts and whatever top" he says

"So why have you been ignoring me? especially when I think you owe me an apology after that night. I say and looking for clothes

"I don't think I owe you an apology Nell you should apologize to me and you've been going along with it too so idk what you want and because I was mad about what you did at that party I wasn't ignoring you and you still went of to dance with that asshole Clark and flirt with him on top of that" he says

"I didn't do anything and I did that because you literally let Carla stay on your lap Thiago and give you a lap dance and cut our conversation what did you expect me to do just watch" I say

"I.... Wasn't showing any interest in Carla and you did it to make me jealous with a guy I can't stand and he's not even good at anything Nell he says

"I didn't do it to make you mad or jealous Clark is nice and I was bored sitting if it was gonna bother you so much you could've asked me to dance yourself" I say while taking off my shorts

"I didn't want to dance Nell and then people would've just start annoying us with questions" he says

"Thiago I don't give a fuck what people think so them asking wouldn't of bothered me but I forgot you're basically a King here and you don't want to be associated with me, like you said I'm just your mom's best friend daughter nothing special" I say

"Princess it's not that okay I'm sorry I was a dick especially when I almost called you that word and I was already angry but I'm not gonna apologize what I did to Clark but I didn't need to put you in it" he says while looking at my eyes while I finish putting my top on

"Okay I guess, so why are we going to the gym?" I ask

"Well your mom wants you to do this bullshit so I'm gonna take you and see what you think" he says

"So you don't think I need to lose weight" I ask him

"In my opinion princess you're pretty fucking hot and if losing weight is something you want then I got the best way to do it involves me and you naked in bed or anywhere" he says

I laugh because he's being serious and I can't believe this we walk out and get in his car

He drives off with the windows down and blast his music until we get there and I look when he parks and I already regret coming here and I sigh

"Come on princess it won't be that bad we'll only stay for 1 hour" he says

I nod and we head in and he looks at me

"so I'll be over there and around" he points at the weights

"Um okay" and I walk to the one thing I know which is the treadmill and plan to work here for one hour

I start slow and then increase the speed after 15 minutes and its not that bad I don't think I can do this everyday though I start looking around at all the buff guys and fit girls I do love people watching but then my treadmill comes to a complete stop and I turn and see Thiago in front me

"What! why did you stop it" I ask looking down at him

"Princess I told you to workout and I meant use multiple cycles" he says

"Well I was planning on staying here the whole time and I don't know what else to use" I say

"This is your first time at the gym ever?" he ask

"Yeah" I say nodding my head

"Okay how about we go and we'll start fresh another day and I'll show you everything" he says

"Okay" I say and let him pull my hand and head back to the car
And sit and then he drives to get us smoothies

He walks in leaving me in the car and returns with two smoothies

"Thanks how did you know I like strawberry Banana" I ask

"You have them often Nell so I figured" he says

"Mhmm well it taste good what's yours" I ask

"Cookies and Cream and yeah it does but I know what would taste so much better" he says

"What flavor?" is better then that I ask

"your pussy flavor would definitely be so much better" he says with confidence

"With all that cockyness I hope your good because that'd be embarrassing for you" i say

"Do you want a sneak peak of how good I am" he ask

I know I may regret this but you only live once right I think looking at him

"Yeah" I say and he winks and starts his car and we drive off

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