Chapter 33

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I'm hanging out with Thiago when I notice Amaia finally gets here and I tap him and tell him I'll be back he looks and sees Amaia and let's me go I walk towards her and Enzo

"Hey finally took you long enough I was waiting for you" i tell her

"Sorry my brother took a whole ass year to get ready but it's good to see you girl" she says smiling

"Hey Nell how are you?" Enzo ask

"Hey Enzo I'm good and yourself?" I say awkwardly

"I'm good thanks for asking Amaia have fun okay" he says and walks up to Thiago

"What was that?" I ask

"Yeah idk what happened but he's been nice like even got me breakfast i think your man spoke to him" she says

"Why would Thiago do that and cause Enzo to change?" I say

"Eh Thiago is his best friend and I'm sure their friendship couldn't continue if Enzo talks shit about his girl" she winks

"This is crazy I went from being his secret to his girl like I'm a little happy but feel like I should be on my toes and ready for the unexpected to happen" I tell her

"I feel you but I don't think you have to worry about Thiago it seems like he cares look he's coming down for you right now" she says and I turn around

"Hey babe I was looking for you, hi Amaia how are you thanks for coming" he says

"Hi Thiago you know I have to come support my girl" she says

"Why don't you hangout with your friends?" I ask him and he kisses my forehead

"I've had enough of them I want to hang around you!" he says and puts his arm around me and walk me to where the food is being served so we grab it and sit at a table and Matias and Enzo join us

The food looks really good so I'm excited about that since I'm starving I look around and really notice how many family members Thiago does have they're everywhere and they all look alike if that makes sense

"Thiago I saw your dad he looks happy to be home" Enzo says

"Yeah he's finally catching a break so I bet" he says

"I heard grandma coming" Matias says looking directly at Thiago

"Well I hope not I don't need that right now" Thiago says

"I guess you going to do like me huh" Matias says

"Yeah which won't be easy" Thiago tells him

I look at Thiago to ask him what's that about and he shakes his head so I just turn back and continue talking to Amaia

"So Thiago and Nell you're a couple right like both off the market" Enzo says

"Yep I'm taken officially" Thiago says and I just shrug my shoulders

"Good glad to see you happy" Enzo says

"What the fuck have you done with my brother?" Amaia says at Enzo

"What I was never that mean for fucks sake" Enzo says and we all laugh

"Haha sure bud and I am virgin" Thiago says

And it's weird because part of me laughs because it is funny but another part feels a pang remembering how many girls he's been with sexually
I force it out of my mind and get back into the conversation between everyone so far it's been an enjoyable day

We then get up and walk back with everyone near the pool and Thiago pulls my hand so I look back at him

"Let's go over here and talk" he says and I follow to a little corner with a smaller pool and a chair and we sit

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