Chapter 11

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I finally drive home and park my car and I lay my head against the steering wheel because I can't stop replaying what me and Thiago spoke about its driving me crazy why... Is this happening to me I'm in my thoughts when I hear a car beeping at me and I quickly lift my head too see it's my mother and I sigh to get out no amount of anything is enough to be around her ugh! I grab my stuff and get out and she smiling at me

"Hi honey are you okay you looked drained?" She ask

"Hi mom I'm good was just stuck in my thoughts" I say to her

"Mhmm alright well go shower your dad will be home soon so we can have dinner" she says

I nod my head unlock the door and head straight up to my room
And just lie down and stare at the ceiling

How do I process this do I seriously want to go along with this or do I want to ignore it and pretend like it didn't happen

I mean one part of me of course wants to hook up with Thiago I mean he's hot and I mean what girl doesn't want to cum undone by a guy that hot right I question myself

But I also don't want this to be a joke and watch me get played but then again you only live once right I should have fun and heck yeah a hot guy wants to hook up so I should I'm just as good looking as these tiny sticks everyone thinks is so hot

I look at the time and know my mother is going to yell dinner in a few so I might as well head in to the shower

When I'm done I come back out to my room and put some pj's on and head down for dinner

"Oh goody right on time I was just about to call you down" mom says and we all head to the table

"Hi baby girl how was school?" dad ask and kissed my forhead

"Hi dad it was normal nothing interesting at all" I say

"Have you spoken to Thiago when do you start?" mom ask

"I barely exchanged two words with him of this stupid idea you both hired him for but he wants to start as soon as possible" I say

"Well thats good your body will get used to it and sooner the start you'll start losing weight" she says

"Have I mentioned that I currently can't stand you and we can start but doesn't mean I'll be doing anything!" I say

"Nell baby please don't start" mom pleads and then puts a salad in front of me with skinless chicken

"Mom are kidding me what is this?" I say

"Its your dinner you'll be having tonight I'm just trying to help" she says

"Really what? and What are you and dad having for dinner huh" I ask

"We will be eating ribs and mashed potatoes" she responds

"Wow! is that what you call a support system like good parents would have the same meal as me for support since they're forcing me to do this!" I yell

"Honey she's right do you have to go through these lengths really this is not right" dad says

"Just for today then fine we will all start I didn't make an extra Rib okay" she sighs

We start eating and I just barely pick at what she gave me there is no flavor here god I hate her and the fact that she thinks this is alright

"So honey tomorrow you need to come home a lil early because we will be going out" mom says

"Can't you guys go without me I'm sure I'll be tired" I say

"Uh no we're actually going to dinner at Thiago's... I'll be catching up with his mom and Amaia mom don't worry she'll be there too" mom says eases like she didn't just drop a bomb

"I'm confused in the part of how that has to includes me and dad because it doesn't make sense to me" I say

"Well she invited everyone and you're friends with her kids so it'll be fun" she says

"I'm only friends with Amaia and this just sounds like a nightmare no fun anywhere around" I say

"Why would it be a nightmare when you were invited and you can get to know Thiago so you're more comfortable with him for training" she says

"You realize that he is just going to spend the whole night speaking to Enzo" I say

"No because Enzo is out of town with his dad so it'll only be you, Thiago, Amaia and his brother" mom says

"Thiago has a brother?" I say

"Yes hes older graduated a while ago!" she says

"Mhmm okay can I be excused to call Amaia" I ask

"Yeah go ahead hunny" dad says

I walk upstairs and pull out my phone and call Amaia she picks up immediately

"Hey girly" she says

"Did you hear what's happening tomorrow" I say

"Yes apparently we're going to Thiago house didn't know they were that close parents wise I'm pretty sure it was my mom's idea" Amaia says

"No way girly definitely mine but w.e why was I never told Thiago has a brother" I say

"Ohhhh omg is he going!! He's so fine I used to have dreams about this man and I mean Santiago I mean it's recurring for him" she says laughing

"I'm not surprised he's hot look at Thiago" I say

"Haha so you have noticed hehe I don't blame you you'll notice even more with the privates you two will have" she bust out laughing

"Amaia shut up I actually forgot about it until now" I say

"Idk how you can forgot a man telling you that" she laughs

"Girl stop!" And I keep laughing until I hear my laptop start ringing and I turn around a scream a little

"Girl what's going on over there? what's ringing? and why are you screaming? you're scaring me!" amaia says

"My laptop is ringing because Thiago is trying to video chat me right now" I say screaming

"Okayy hang up and answer duh love ya tell me everything later or tomorrow" she says

"No Amaia!" I start to say but she already hung up ugh I groan so I go sit on my bed and press accept

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