Chapter 39

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Today is the wedding day and I'm getting ready trying to look nice I also bought the gift for the bride and groom since Thiago couldn't come up with anything for his own friends I finish putting on my dress and now downstairs putting on heels my mom is screaming

"Oh my you look absolutely stunning baby girl you are glowing I love this" she says.

"Thanks mom not a fan of the heels though but I will push through the night" I say

"Well I hope you have fun I remember when you were younger you hated wedding would through a fit but you are excited for this one right" she says

"I mean I'm more nervous I just found out last night Thiago entire family will ne there too since him and groom have been family friends forever so I'll finally meet his Grandpa and See his grandma again I'm not sure about that" I say

"Don't let that woman talk bad to you Nell Thiago is happy with you and you are good for him unlike that other one she wants okay" she says

"Yeah mom I know thanks though" I say

"Now Thiago is here but you can't leave till I get a picture of both of you together okay and don't complain either Nell" she warns and I roll my eyes and she goes answers the door and he walks in and I see him with flowers in his hand and Mateo is behind him saying hi to my mom

"Now Thiago is here but you can't leave till I get a picture of both of you together okay and don't complain either Nell" she warns and I roll my eyes and she goes answers the door and he walks in and I see him with flowers in his hand and Mateo i...

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"Hello babe you look beautiful here these flowers are for you" he says and kisses my lips

"Thank you I'll put these in water and you look great too" I say and walk to drop the flowers and walk back out where both boys are talking to my mom

"Well I'm ready we can go now" I say

"No not until I get a picture please" my mom cuts in and I roll my eyes and sigh and the boys laugh and we pose and she doesn't quit until she's taken over 10 photos

"Alright mom were going we don't need to be late to the wedding" I say and she stops and we walk out and get in Thiagos car and make our way over to the reception

Once we arrived we walk in Thiago holds my hand and I laughed at a joke Mateo made and as we're walking we see Enzo and Amaia and we wave

"Hey guys good to see you what tables are you guys on?" I ask

"Not our since we have our whole entire family in one table" Matias says

"We're on the table right over at least we can catch a glimpse maybe whisper to each other" Amaia says

And we all walk in and I see Thiago parents smiling at us but his grandma his just looking at me stoic and his grandfather just looking

"Well hello you finally made it why so late you're not usually when you come with us his!" grandmother starts

"Maybe but I very much preferred the way I got here then before and will be getting to events just like this with the same people" Thiago says

"You both look lovely Nell you are shinning tonight and look so much like your mother" Thiago mom says

"Thank you wow everyone looks lovely too" I say awkwardly

"Itô this Nell my girlfriend" Thiago says

"Hello Nell nice to meet you I've heard alot about you"  he says

"Umm I hope only good things" I say smiling

"He's absolutely smitten about you Nell you are all he talks about at home and where's he's been spending his time" his mom says and I blush

"Mother please you don't have to tell them all that" he says

"So Nell your mother is Pearl Anders right?" His grandfather says

"Yes that's her she was a model now she finds them and makes their dreams come true she told me you attended her wedding she said you've always been funny" I say

"I knew I always liked your mom she is right I am funny" he says laughing

"Look how in love Benjamin looks I'm so happy for him and Hailey looks stunning" mom says

"Yes he's been excited for this day all year that's what happen when you meet your one and they change you for the better" Matias says

"I think someone else is going through the same thing big changes love will do that to you mhmm" His mom says

"Or it could be anyone to do that for you love is something we think but it can grow from anything sometimes it's dangerous then going with the original plan" his grandmother says

"I don't think so honey Angelina is right love makes you better and the life you could live with it is great" His grandpa says

We start eating and the bride and groom go around go greet their guest and then I see Thiagos grandma smile go wide so I look in her direction and see Kylie and her sister approaching the table

"How nice to see you guys I had to stop by and say hi" Kylie says with her boobs popping out trying to angle them at Thiago but he keeps talking to his dad

"Kylie good to see you dear you look beautiful I see your whole family his here we will go see them later tonight it'd be easier if you were on our table like you were supposed to be!" his grandmother says

"Why would she Thiago has a girlfriend dear Kylie is right to be seated with her family" his grandfather says and cuts gus look at his wife

"Well Lola could've been here she and Matias have something" his grandmother continues

"No we don't" they both said and Matias looks at her

"We are just friends and that's all it will ever be between us" Lola  says and Matias nods and I look at the grandma and she is fuming
The girls walk back to the table and Thiago turns to his grandparents

"Well grandmother does that mean you are done interfering with my love life I'm pretty sure I've made it clear who I am with so get over the merger please you will keep ruining our relationship if you don't I promise you that" he says

"I want what is best for this family it should continue thriving" she says

"It will Kylie nor Lola need to become an Axel for that to happen if our parents leave us alone why can't you just be happy we're healthy and your grandkids want to be happy and those too especially Kylie will never make us happy it would be miserable and I don't want that for myself nor Matias" he says

"But... "And she is cut off

" Honey listen to what he is saying he means it stop trying to lead everything the way you desire it to be, you will ruin it not make it better and miss out on their future stop lying I was confused this whole night because of the lies you told me I never wanted you to force the boys to be with the girls you have to stop" his grandfather says

The announcer then calls people to the dance floor and Thiago turns to me

"So will you accompany me to the dance floor Nell" he says

"Yes" and we walk and he spins me and whispers in my ear

"I want you to know you are worth it Nell to me" he says and kisses my lips and we start to  enjoy the night

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