Chapter 32

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I wake up and I've been chilling in bed all day haven't made much movement my mom been hussle bustling all day idk why she so excited for a random ass pool party I even asked my dad and he can't explain

I finally decided to shower at 11am and it was quick and now I'm lying in bed in my towel because I'm so lazy my phone starts ringing so I pick up

"Hello?" I say

"Hey babe are you ready for today?" I hear Thiago say

"Thiago your still on this girlfriend crap what's going on?" I ask

"There is no crap princess you and me are dating which makes us a couple so clearly boyfriend and girlfriend now are you ready?" he ask

"I think you've lost it because to be a coupld you should've asked a question! and I need to say yes which neither has happened" I say

"Well we did do all that just a little different so when do I come get you?" he ask

"Ughh and you don't have to come get me I'll just hitch a ride with the parents" I say

"Nell you better not be trying to skip out I will leave and come get you and you don't want to leave your boyfriend and best friend alone at this party without you" he says

"Amaia didn't tell me she's going" I say

"I know I specifically told Enzo to come with her to make sure your sexy ass gets over here" he says

"Whatever you are every now huh from I can't even conversate with you around your friends to you wanting me by you ay all points this is insane" I tell him

"Well it's because that week with you not talking to me or us just genuinely having fun hanging out I missed you Nell it's was a week of hell" he says honestly

"Uh well I didn't think you'd care" I say

"Well you we're wrong I'm not saying I didn't deserve it but it did drive me crazy so I'll see you soon right baby" he ask

"Yeah I'll see you soon my mom is already yelling time to go" I say and hang up on him

I start going through my drawers to pick a bathing suit when my mom knocks on the door so I open

"I'm almost ready mom I was just on the phone" I tell her

"Oh okay honey but I came to give you this I bought you a bathing suit so here" she says

"Umm thanks mom sure I'll put it on" I say

I open the bag and I look at it I'm surprised she'd buy this for me it's cute but it's shows alot of skin why is she changing its weird I think but put it on anyways and head downstairs

"I'm ready" I say and my dad's eyes go wide

"In that my daughter I don't think so" he starts

"Honey I picked it for she looks cute it's how all the kids are wearing bikinis nowadays" mom says

"But Nell isn't everybody she's my daughter" he says

"Dad calm down I look cute and you'll be there if anything happens" I say

"Whatever let's go before I get an aneurysm" he says we get in his car and start driving over it really only take 15 minutes to get there when we pool up I'm in shock what a house

"Wow Thiago parents do pretty well for themselves look at this house" I say

"This is their house wow I see why Charles is always out of town this takes serious business" my dad says

"This is their house wow I see why Charles is always out of town this takes serious business" my dad says

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"Isn't it lovely now come on let's walk in" mom says

We walk to the back and there's people everywhere the first to greet us was Valentina

"Oh hello I'm so glad you guys came I hope you are ready to have fun even you Malcolm we're all going to enjoy even the men" Valentina says

"Yes can't wait I love parties my dad says sarcastically" but I think I'll start of with a beer" my dad says

"Nice to see you all thanks for coming and Good choice my man now we're gonna have fun come with me Malcolm and let me show you Spain best beer" Charles says and they both walk away to the bar

"Men I tell you the only things they enjoy"  my mom says

"Nell why don't you go to Thiago he's right up there with everyone else" she points
I nod my head and head up even though I'm totally nervous
He by some people from our school a bunch of girls I don't know or guys

I walk up slowly trying not to attract attention and then I see his eyes look at me and he smiles and starts walking toward me

I walk up slowly trying not to attract attention and then I see his eyes look at me and he smiles and starts walking toward me

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"Hey babe finally you made it I was wondering if I had to come get you" he says

"My parents took long sorry and hey" I say

"You look so good babe damn trying to drive me crazy" he says and then kisses me on the lips and grabs on to my ass

"Come on let me introduce you to everyone and wait till Amaia and Enzo get here" he says

"Hey guys this is Nell my girlfriend" he says and some people from school eyes go wide while others just smile and wave

So I join to sit down and Thiago grabs my hips and sits me on his lap and wraps his hands around my hips and kisses my neck

"Now I'm happy and can have fun because you are here" he whispers

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