Chapter 25

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I get finished packing all my shit for the weekend and go to throw it in my car and walk to get a snack for the trip and see my brother

"Hey ready for this weekend?" he ask

"Yeah should be interesting hopefully your friends aren't annoying" I say jokingly

"Haha trust your so called buddies are way worse then mine at least mine aren't self centered pricks" Matias says

"Yeah well I'm out gonna go pick up Nell and eat then we will be on our way so see yeah up there" I say

"Okay cool me and Leon will probably be there before y'all so drive safe and have fun going up" he says

I wave and jump in my car and head down to her house which takes around 20 minutes when I get there I get out and see her running out

"Hey Nell what's the rush and no kiss?" I ask her

"My mom is annoying and no not here I'm not your girlfriend" she says

"Nell sweetheart you forgot this!" she says waving something in her hands

"Thanks mom you can go now!" she says

"I'm not going to be rude Thiago good to see you i hope you two, have a great weekend together" she says very cheerfully

"Mom I told you he's just giving me a ride I'm hanging out with Amaia so stops this okay" she says

"I'm doing well and yourself and yes we will have a great weekend but we should get on the road" I say

"Of  course you don't want to arrive to late well be safe call me if anything Nell" she says

We both wave and hop In the car

"You didn't have to do that you know" she Says

"What tell your mom that we were hanging out together, we are! I say

*Um because I thought you wouldn't want anyone to know and not like shes gonna check" she says

"Your mom already knows we hangout so it doesn't matter, so where do you want to eat?" I say

"Um I actually crave a burger if you don't mind" she says

"Sounds great princess the habit here we come" I say and drive down the way and blast the music for both of us

We go inside and order and I end up paying for both of us and we sit down and we eat our food and Nell looks up at me

"So how should I act this weekend?" she ask

"We're trying to have fun and relax Nell so act however you'd like I will" i say

"So what do I say if I am asked what we are this weekend?" she says

"Easy princess this weekend I'm your man and your my girl now that you are done eating let's go we have a long drive" I tell her

We walk to the car door and I open the door for her and then I jump over to my side and start the long drive and 45 minutes in Nell falls asleep and I watch her from time to time and let the music play
We finally here two hours later I park the car in front of the cabin and I wake her

We walk to the car door and I open the door for her and then I jump over to my side and start the long drive and 45 minutes in Nell falls asleep and I watch her from time to time and let the music play We finally here two hours later I park the ca...

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