Chapter 13

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I pull up to school and see Amaia in her car so I park and jump in hers as quickly and smoothly as possible

"Whoa girl I didn't even notice you park kinda scared the shit out of me what's going on?" Amaia says

"Whats going on this diet, stupid dinner tonight and oh trying to avoid Thiago today since he asked that stupid question!" I say

"Oh so did you take care of yourself yesterday" she ask laughing

"This isn't funny amaia laughing at your best friends pain isn't funny and yes I did masturbate and I had a wet dream about the dude and I orgasmed in seconds and it was a dream so imagine in real life" I say

"Nell you are my best friend just enjoy it'll be fun just watch him carefully I mean i know he'll take care of you he talks about how much he Can make girls cum so I mean it'll be enjoyable for you"
She says

I feel a pang of jealously surge through me and I'm upset and annoyed and push it out what does he say about them I ask

"Nothing much the usual guy talk that they were going crazy and kept begging for more but he doesn't do repeats or which girl was horrible but he clearly wants alot from you girl he said multiple times so you're already winning" she says

"I don't want be another number to his bed post though" I say

"Well I mean i haven't seen him be serious in a long time but do you really not want to do it?" she ask

"I think he's super hot and I do kinda want to but don't want to be a joke to him either" I say

"Just take it one day at time don't rush but I'll kill him if he hurts you so please be careful if you actually have feelings for him" she says

"I'm good don't worry let's just get in and hopefully I can avoid him" I tell her

We start walking in and by the entrance I can see Thiago and all his popular friends hanging out and as they are talking I see his eyes go to the side looking at me and I just keep walking straight ahead

I head to class and try to concentrate but two things have me on edge today one being seeing Thiago and telling him what happened and two going to his house tonight I definitely don't wanna be there ughh
I'm so lost in my head Idk how I've made it to lunch where did all the hours go

When I walk to the lunch area I see Thiago and of course dozens of girls around him and he's laughing and showing everyone his beautiful smile and I think me and him would never be like that in public there's no way we Live completely different he's rich, popular and has an amazing future ahead of him while realistically speaking I'm not ugly but to society I am and would ruin his image even though my obnoxious stupid mom was a model and owns an agency

I shake these thoughts and just go grab my food then look around this stupid college for Amaia can you believe there's still cliques in college with people being their 20s like what the fuck so stupid I finally spot Amaia red hair after looking for a good 10 minutes

"Hey girl" I say while slamming down my tray not noticing until now someone else is there gosh what a good job I did

"Hey Nell what's up this is Santiago he decided to hangout today" she says

"Hey yeah I remember you we met the first day of gym..
Well my first say how are you?" I ask

"Yeah I remember when Enzo and Thiago were being jerks especially that annoying brother of yours Amaia I can't believe your beautiful self is related to him" Santiago says

My eyes go wide because anyone who sees Santiago is popular and beautiful and he's openly saying these things

"Shut up Santiago you always know what to say" Amaia laughs

"So Nell Whats up with you I know your mom is a model and she's good friends with Amaia and Thiago mom but what about you?" Santiago ask

"Um we moved here from Ohio I was supposed to go to college in New York but I ended up all the way across the country in Europe" I say

"Damn far travels do you like it here so far is it very different from American college?" Santiago ask

"Yeah this kinda feels like high school instead of college but the hours are different  but you can tell Europeans are different from Americans" I say

"Cool so do you fancy anyone yet?" he ask

"What no! I mean i haven't looked around and I like to stick to myself" I say

"Mhmm I'm surprised everyone has a crush on that group over there especially Thiago" Santiago says nonchalantly

"Isn't that your group of friends I'm surprised to see you over there with the rich, hot and fabulous I say while laughing

" Ehh they get on my nerves so I can't be around them 24/7 and they care about what people think too much I just want to punch them" he says

"Well you seem cool but I'm gonna go to my locker I'll see you around guys" I say and wave

I walk out and open my locker and put some of my things in there and then close my locker to walk away when I see Thiago leaning against another locker and I scream

"Where the hell did you come from?" I yell a little

"I followed you out of the food court nothing crazy did I scare you princess? He ask

"Um I mean yeah you kinda appeared out of nowhere" I say and look around if anyone is here

"Don't worry no one is around.. So let's skip class!" he says

"I can't do that and why would you want to skip with me when anyone would volunteer" I ask

"Yeah you can and will because you have to tell me about last night how hard you made yourself cum and what the hell does that mean come on princess!" he says

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