Chapter 24

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I wake up the next morning and try to stretch but feel something blocking ny arms so I open my eyes and too see Thiago asleep next to me

I freak out and screach and push him awake

"Shit Nell what's wrong?" He says while still sleeping

"You slept over at my place" I whisper

"Yeah I noticed and what's the problem?" he says and rolls over and I noticed he's shirtless

"That's not good my parents could've caught us and when did you get shirtless" I say

There's a knock on the door
"Nell honey I just got home I'll be in my room I left food for you downstairs" she says

"Okay mom thanks" I say I hear her walk to her room and close, the door

Thiago then starts laughing

"Your mom wouldn't have mind so you whispering is hilarious" he says laughing

"Not funny you need to go now" I say

"Fine I'll see you later princess I'll go all nice and quietly" he say kissing my lips

And I walk him to the door and I go back upstairs after watching him leaving ugh these feelings keep growing

Thiago POV

I drive home and park my car and open the door and walk in, and see my mom cousin and brother

"Hi sweetheart late night? You know I dislike when you do that" she says

"I was not partying I was watching movies and fell asleep" I say

"Okay well I have a meeting please don't do it again bye boys I love you all" she says

"So with who were watching movies with?" Leon asked

"It was with Nell" i said

"Really wow so you finally following your feelings" Mattias said

"I have no feelings I was just apologizing because she caught me being an ass and we had fun so I stayed over" I said

"So when are you going to admit that you want to be with her" Leon said

I sigh and switch the conversation
"What are you both doing here anyways?" I asked them

"Well I was home and Leon came and we were talking about the cabin party this weekend" Matias says

"What cabin party?" I ask

"My friends and I just hanging out most of them bringing their girlfriends y'all should come" Matias says

"Who would I hangout with if y'all bring your girls and I don't want to share rooms with people I don't know" I say

"Easy bring Nell problem solved" Mattias says

"Yeah you know you want to unless you want to go with someone else" Leon says

"I don't want to but wouldn't that be like a couple thing and everyone would ask awkward questions right" I ask

"No one is going give a fuck you're with Nell my friend's aren't fucking dumbass like Enzo and all your other supposed friends heck they'll see how cool she is" Mattias says

"And my friends aren't what's making me and Nell be not being together" I say

"Sure we both know it's your reputation little brother but honestly she will make you a  better you all you must do is to see how much of a dumbass you are being" Mattias  says

"Whatever sure I'll ask her but if she says no I'm not going" I say

the next morning i wake up and im kind of nervous i know Nell asked for me to show we at least have a friendship at school but can i really do  that and i want to i just idk i guess my brothers right im a child when it comes to reputation but can he blame  me we've been put on these pedistals our entire life so its custom to us but then i think i do really want her to go with me to the cabin party and i do like spending time with her. i start getting dressed and walk down outside to my car.

i drive to school and i start by immediately looking for Nell but she not in her usual spot and heading straight towards me is Enzo and Santiago

"hey man looking for something" Enzo says

"uhh not really just walking aimlessly" i say

"so what you up to this weekend bro" Enzo ask

"ill be out of town family stuff" i say

"cool ill be partying this weekend with santiago on the boat wish you could be there" Enzo says

"well have fun both of you uh enzo do you know where your sister?" i ask

"why the hell do you wanna know where she is" he ask

"well i need to talk to Nell and they are always around each other" i say

"as in your Chartity case Nell your mom bestie" enzo says laughing

"Enzo shut the fuck up you need to get checked with how bad you speak of your sister and her friends damn it" Santiago says

"im sorry i forgot you one of my best friends is in love with my little sister ridiculous" Enzo says

"no hes right enzo like you can't speak of your sister or her friends like that its fucked up" i say angered

"well fuck isnt shit on enzo day whatever they are by the fountain happy sorry i need to get away from y'all" he says walking away

"so you like Amaia?" i ask santiago

"its not about crushing on her what wrong is wrong and enzo needs to stop that shit like this shit is stupid were not better then anyone" he says

"you are right i agree well im gonna go i gotta talk to Nell" i say

i walk and spot both of them and i walk quitely but nell is the first too spot me

"hey girls" i say
"hi thiago are you doing good?" Nell ask

"yea Nell could i ask you something please" i say
"sure um amaia ill be right back" she says

"So my brother and cousin invited me to the family cabin this weekend with others" i say

"okay well have a good weekend i wont miss training this weekend" she laughs

"no you don't..... i would like you to come with me" i say

"you want to spend a weekend in a cabin with me why?" she ask

"i think it'd be fun we can get away from here stop thinking about your parents or others and my brother thought it was a great idea" i say

"you told your brother about us?" she says

"yes he is aware of our situtation so will you accompany me i promise we will have a good time we always do together dont we?" i ask

"i mean sure i'll go see you later Thiago" she says

"thanks it'll be fun and im excited that you will be there with me" i say

"me too Thiago" she says and walks back to amaia while i walk to the car

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