Chapter 14

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We go to a private park near the back of the school and we just sit and all I can think is why am I skipping class yet again with Thiago like how dumb can I be but I can't lie that I kinda enjoy it too ugh my life is chaos right now  

"So tell me how did it go for you" Thiago ask

I look around with my eyes going wide to make sure no one is around because I'm so embarrassed to talk about this especially with him

"You're good princesa no one is around everyone is in class and no one would care enough to come find us" he says

"Well I started off by not doing it and trying to fall asleep but I had a dream and then I needed relief so I grabbed my vibrator and took care of business" I say quickly

"What was the dream about Nell and you know I want full on details" he says

"Umm I was sleeping and then I had vivid images of me and you in bed together" I say and look away

"Thiago then grabs my face to look at him and what were doing in this vivid dreams of me and you in bed together" he ask his face inches away from mine

"You we're on top of me and we started kissing and then you started kissing down my body until you got to my lower half and took of my underwear and then I woke up and started touching myself and the vivid dreams started again, with you between my legs eating me out and talking dirty to me and then you added your fingers and I came" I explain then take a deep breath

"Ah so I was eating your pussy did you enjoy it.... Were you loud?" he asked

"Yeah I did in the dream and yeah I moaned it was hard to control" I said

"Well Nell when I get to taste that sweet pussy of yours we both won't want me to stop and if you were a little loud imagine when it's really me and you together our bodies rolling around together, imagine how load you'll scream when it's by fingers and cock giving you pleasure be" says

I start getting goosebumps on my arms hearing Thiago speak like this he oozes sex appeal it drives me crazy

"So how are you feeling about coming over tonight" he ask

"Still kinda annoyed about it because my mom does this on purpose but whatever" I say

"It'll be fine I'll be there we can find a way to have fun" he says

"Huh what do you mean?" I ask him

"Well we can talk princess and I'll entertain you but I can also sneak us away and do a little more of this" he says and walks in between my legs

I'm about to ask what is he doing when Thiago smashes our lips together and his arms start moving around my body until he reaches my ass pulls me up standing and grabs my ass and I moan into the kiss because it feels so good and I realize that me Nell is kissing Thiago and his lips are amazing omg if this is just kissing there's no way I'm surviving

"Now come on Nell let's get Back the bell is about to ring" he says and we both walk back to school and we walk separate ways and I walk to Amaia locker and the bell rings and I wait for her to get here

"Hey girl how did you get here so quickly?" She ask

"I wasn't in class and got here just now" I say

"Lucky us were in college so they don't care about skipping but idk why I never do it" she says

"Yeah even though I still get paranoid like a kid even though we're adults technically" I say

"Yeah can't wait to graduate and get job in a couple months ready let's drive to my house so we can get ready so you're gonna follow me?" she ask

"Yeah I got you i have my clothes in my car" and we both get into our cars and I let Amaia drive off first so I can follow we drive 15 minutes and pull up and her house is absolutely beautiful I love it

"Yeah I got you i have my clothes in my car" and we both get into our cars and I let Amaia drive off first so I can follow we drive 15 minutes and pull up and her house is absolutely beautiful I love it

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"Amaia I love your house it's so cute" I say once I get out of parking

"Thanks you know my moms obsession with white and rustic never go another way" she opens the door and we walk in and see her mom

"Hi girls how are you?" Amaia mom asked

"Hi mom were good gonna finish some homework and hang out for a little" Amaia tells her

"Okay remember we leave pretty soon to Thiago house for dinner" she says

"Yeah got it did Enzo leave?" Amaia asks her mom

"Yes he did he said he'd miss you" she says

"Yeah right mom Enzo is douche bag and would never don't lie for him" she says

"Y'all are siblings need to love each other already I don't like this relationship you both have" she says

"Yeah mom got it but try telling that to Enzo not me" Amaia says

We finally get to her room and drop our bags and then of course amaia ask for all the details of me skipping class  with Thiago and she starts with all her face

*amaia its not that serious for you to have all those facials your making me feel weird about it" i say to her

"there's no weirdness Nell but this is so hot like omg did you hear what he told you  like how did you not jump his bones" she says

"um well I'm a virgin and that's a  weird place don't you think to have sex especially my first time and are you virgin Amaia?" i ask her

"um no i lost it a while ago no big deal i mean its good that's for sure but i mean i can only imagine how good its gonna be for and Thiago though" she, says and winks at me

"whoa i didn't say were gonna have sex so maybe i wont experience it with him" i say

"well even if you just have oral with him I'm sure he will rock your old there's no way the lucky girls would keep trying to go back for no reason sooo let him show you girl!" she says

"oh shit my moms texting she's leaving the house and i better be there when she arrives lets get dressed and bounce" i tell her

we rush to shower quickly and get our hair done and then rush downstairs where amaia mom is already in the car girls  are we ever on time 

we pull up to his house and of course its huge so modern i mean did i really expect it to look differently we get out of amaia moms car and my mom is by the door

we pull up to his house and of course its huge so modern i mean did i really expect it to look differently we get out of amaia moms car and my mom is by the door

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"finally i was waiting for you well you look nice hunny i was worried you'd come here looking like a home" mom says

"hunny stop lets just have a good night" dad stops her

and the door opens showing thiago's parents

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