Chapter 4

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The sun starts shining through and I know it's time to get up I hear my parents knock outside my door and I sigh and yell yeah at them so they can go away I cover my face with my hands so I can brace myself for this apparently from what I get here in Spain looks like high-school especially since these people have known each other since childhood most of the school from what Amaia has told me last night. I finally get myself out of bed and head into the bathroom at least get a nice shower since today begins hell I take a deep breath and take as much time as I can I can't be the only one who loves showers you can literally do everything in hear think, cry, and get yourself off I mean not like I've ever done that but you know only I have these thoughts I finish up get out and find clothes that will at least be comfy only good thing about today I finally head downstairs and see both my parents mom is dressed ready for work and dad has his computer hooked up since he works from home they smile at me

"Hunny I know I've bought you cuter clothes even with your size" she says

"Cuter to you I guess but I chose comfy soo this is what you get I'm gonna at least make that decision for myself" I tell her sarcastically

"Ughh this again I'm just going to ignore your brutting attitude and hope you enjoy your day okay make friends and be friendly" she says

"Yeah you wish just go enjoy your life mother okay butt out of mine for now on" I beg

"Honey you look good enjoy college it'll be fun" dad tries to convince me

"Yeah daddy in New York sure here in Spain I highly doubt it" I say followed by a sigh

My mom walks back in after stepping out.
"well honey me and your father have decided you need a car in Spain and you've done so well and we are both proud of you so here you go!" And they push me outside and I see a pretty blue car

 "well honey me and your father have decided you need a car in Spain and you've done so well and we are both proud of you so here you go!" And they push me outside and I see a pretty blue car

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"OMG thank you guys this helps this school of hell a little" I say smiling at them then giving them a Hug

"Well go off to school go have an amazing year sweet pea we love you" mom says

I get in and start driving and make my way to this school if it weren't for GPS I'd never make it here spain is so confusing to drive in and let's not lie I've only been here for 2 days so definitely don't know much I pull up to the gate and my mouth drops I can't believe it looks like this how is this a school my eyes feel like they're lying to me

I get in and start driving and make my way to this school if it weren't for GPS I'd never make it here spain is so confusing to drive in and let's not lie I've only been here for 2 days so definitely don't know much I pull up to the gate and my mo...

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I drive and I pull up to the first parking spot I see and park then I sit in my car because I'm way to early I finally see a white tesla pull up and park right in front of me wtf is going on I then see Thiago get out and walk up to my car window and knock on it

"Um hi good morning" I say

"Yeah you're in my spot can you move people like you park in the back" he says

"People like me what does that mean" i ask

"New Kids who don't know what they're doing please" he ask and seems like he's being sincere until his friend showed up

"He means porky you park in the back this belongs to cool, rich and actually attractive looking but cool car though" his idiot friends say I then roll my eyes and get out of spot and head to the back I tell my self to shrug it off but it's hurts

When I watch from my car I see all the populars park in front but I see Amaia brother get out of a porshe but I don't see her that's weird since they live together I finally notice a range rover park next to me and I see it's Amaia since she's waving I wave back and we both get out

"Hey girl what's up good morning" I say

"Morning friend I brought you coffee here you go" she says

"Thanks but why are you parking back here when you're rich, Thiago has already told me that I can't park there because of it, and you and your sibling come separately? I ask

"Don't listen to them they're stupid but they live for foolishness like that and yeah he's to cool to be seen around me and sadly my parents just bought us separate cars instead of telling him that's wrong" she says

"Well I guess I better go to the office to get my schedule but your brother is wrong" I say

"Ehh he's golden boy so they don't get him much but hopefully I'm in your classes" she says

We walk into the school and my eyes go wide shocking that schools look like that I got into the office and the lady started speaking Spanish until she realized I was a transfer then handed Me my schedule and Amaia looked at it

"Oh look we have basically everything together since we're both majoring in English" she says

"Yay thank God it's weird that college is here is basically like high-school" I say

"Yeah we pretty much with the same people until we dive into our clincals and then we separate into our categories school is very different here then America" she explains

"I must say the others you met in dinner are in majority of these classes too so we'll get through this together" she also adds

"Tell Me out of everything you just explained I can't believe you still do gym in college well I guess high school college like my mom explained it since it's different here then the US" I say

"Yeah they want us to be fit and healthy in this school so they try their best to keep us active until they can't anymore" she says

"That's the one class I was dying to get away from if we're honestly speaking" I say

We walk into English 101 and it's basically an auditorium of students and I already feel embarrassed gosh kill me

"Hello girls, Amaia you can sit" the professor says and calls me over I walk up to him and hand him my papers for the class and he gives me a seat

And I look the seat is behind Amaia but I'm next to Thiago and on the other side is Enzo I feel like I'm going to be laughed at

"Great now two nerds next to us Thiago can you believe that" Enzo says while chuckling and Thiago smiles

"Enzo shut up who are you to talk? NO one likes you okay and your ugly ass face" Amaia says

"Please Amaia only reason you are passable is because you have my last name you should be thanking the lucky stars I'm your brother" Enzo tells her

"Now class please pay attention today we will be learning something new" the professor announced

When class is finally over Im so happy I have all my classes with Amaia but really did we have to have gym after lunch like who thinks of this

We get into the Cafeteria and Amaia decided to get us sushi since it's pretty good here and we sit down

We start talking and she tells me the drama I should catch up with and then I sigh and turn towards her

"I have a bad feeling about gym" I tell her

"Oh girl you should it's the worse they actually make us run and play sports and of course I'm the laughing stock" she says annoyed rolling her eyes

"Don't worry I'll be joining you me and gym have never been good for each other" I tell her

When lunch bell rings we both sigh and feel defeated and we walk into the gym and the teacher ask us to go change and I walk in and me and Amaia are dressed pretty similar basketball shorts and white T-shirt

And we walk out and I see the P.E coach and he looks like no fun great.....

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