Chapter 37

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The next few days were nice Thiago came over everyday and we hung out the most annoying thing has been my mother she's always winking or making faces like she's a child

I finally make it downstairs and she's there

"Hi baby girl how are you?" She asked

"Hi mother I'm good" I say just opening the fridge to get food out

"So any plans today?" she asked

"Yeah going to hangout home until it's time to go to a fraternity party" I say

"Ohh that sounds fun are you meeting Thiago?" she asked

"I'm actually going with Amaia but yeah Thiago will be there!" I say

"So do you have feelings for him you know?" she tries to find out

"He's my boyfriend mom he's cool I mean I'm dating him so I like him!" I say

"Nell honey give me something talk to me!" she pleads

"Mom there's not much to say yeah I like him and we're doing good together and I like him" I say

"Do you think it's for life?" she ask

"I'm not sure mom it's early I doubt you, knew dad was going to be your husband right away" I say

"Oh honey I knew your daddy was going to be mine for life thé moment his beautiful chocolate eyes stared at me" she says laughing

"You're crazy and yes he's cute but it's early" I say

"Then it just got perfect when we slept together then I was definitely sure I mean we got pregnant with you before the wedding" she says

"Eww I didn't need to hear that" I say

"Well I mean I'm being honest and Thiago is a cutie and you are happy with him right" she ask

"Yes mom but I'm not here picturing us walking down the aisle in love i know you love dreaming of being his mother in law but I'm not there" I say

"Oh honey I can wait for the day you get married I've always dreamed about it and seeing you walk down the aisle I just want you to be happy" she says

"Well I'm far from it mom but when it's close I'll let you know" I say rolling my eyes

"So what are you wearing tonight?" she ask

"I don't know normal clothes this is my first and last frat party" I say

"Why your last if you haven't been to one already you'll maybe enjoy it" she says

"Mom I'm not really a party girl never been or wanted to be and I'll be graduating in the next few months and I'm only going because Thiago wouldn't go if I didn't and his friends were begging" I say

"Aww that's so sweet of him and maybe you'll enjoy it so just relax and have fun!" she says

"I doubt it but okay I'm gonna shower now" I say

After showering i get out and get dressed since amaia text me she will be here soon i know its a college party so nothing to crazy but i do want to look cute so i look for a simple outfit but one i think thiago would think is cute and then i sit and wait until i get a text

Thiago Pov

i've been at this party for the past 2 hours with Enzo i already want to go home im so bored i rather be watching tv with Nell cuddling right next to me when Enzo snaps me out of my thoughts and i look at him

"what?" i ask

"can you not look so bored bro were supposed to be hanging out and having fun" Enzo says

" I'm having the most fun i can I'll be better when Nell gets here" i say

"relationship makes you sound like a party pooper" Nick says and gives me a beer

"i'm not a party pooper I'm just like this would be better if she was here i mean look around everyone drunk you can't even go to bathroom without girls all up on you" i say

"i mean i remember when you used to enjoy that part" Enzo says

"well now i enjoy different things hanging out with my boys is cool but this is so boring especially when the one person i want to be hooking up with isn't here yet" i say

"speaking of women here comes Kylie!" nick says

"thats not the cool part look whose with her its Benjamin and his Fiance" Enzo says

"look who it is my boys wow yall have grown man and its only been a year" Benjamin says

"hey man good to see you hey Hailey you look good damn and look at that rock" i say

"haha we can't wait to be attending the wedding in a couple weeks what brings you by the frat house?" Enzo asked

"you know i was in town last minute wedding details and i thought why not surprise you guys of course y'all would be here so here we are i heard things changed" he says

"i mean not much your the one who settled down and getting married the original player is officially settling down but were still the same only graduating in two months" Enzo says

"only thing is that Thiago is also taken so the next one has fallen too" Nick says

"you are in a relationship wait with Kylie you actually listened and plunged" Benjamin says

"Hell to the fuck no with Kylie my girlfriend is Nell she should be here soon" i say

"Thiago can we please talk?" Kylie says and bats her eyelashes

"Fuck no we can't and never will leave me alone there is nothing to talk about Kylie" i say and she screams and stomps away

"bro girl is crazy in love with you stared at you all night" Nick says

"for no reason i don't know what she thinking i was never interested she horrible for multiple reasons but forget about that crap what about yall?" i say

"we're good just excited to be married so where is the Girlfriend?" Hailey asked

"She is 3 hours late but should be here shortly hopefully and i look around and spot her there she is acutally i say i'll be back and walk towards her

"She is 3 hours late but should be here shortly hopefully and i look around and spot her there she is acutally i say i'll be back and walk towards her

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"Baby finally where i have you been?" i say and smash my lips against hers and grab her ass

"Thiago" she screeches smiles and pulls away shying away because I know she's a little embarrassed

"i'm not that late i was giving you time to hangout" she says

"i've had enough time how about we go home" i say

"why do you want to rush out?" she says

"because i see your fine ass dressed like this and all i want to do is take you home" he says

"boy stop thinking about your dick why are your friends looking directly at us" i say

"because they want me to go over there and introduce you to Benjamin and his Fiance Hailey" i say and i finally see amaia appear

"hey Thiago omg is that Ben and Hailey" she says

"yup thats them i guess lets go over and meet them" i say and hold her hand

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