Chapter 28

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We get into Thiago room and he shuts the door behind him and instantly his lips are on mine and his hands are grabbing my ass and he starts kissing down my body

"Thiago we can't your mom is downstairs!" I say

"She's fine and won't come anywhere near here" he says and pushes me down on the bed and is on top of me

"Do you really want me to stop princess" he says smirking

"I don't but I don't want someone walking in" I say nervously

"Baby I promise I would never let you get embarrassed" he says and I nod and he puts his hand up my shirt and takes it off and I'm in my bra he then takes off my leggings and he kisses me next thing I know my panties and bra are off

"I love seeing your bare body princess absolutely perfect" he tells me and I couldn't help but feel on top of the world when Thiago says things like this

In that moment I help Thiago get out of his pants and he's in his boxers and I take them off and grab his cock which is huge and he's hard as a rock he lays down and start by kissing his lips and then make my way down his body with kisses down his body until I reach his dick I then grab it and start going up and down on his member and I can hear him groan about how good my hands feel on him and then I finally put him into my mouth and start bobbing my head up and down he plays with my hair and I can feel him getting frantic so I look up and I see Thiago with his head all the way back and his eyes closed and it's a view I love to see

"If you don't want me to cum in your mouth babe let go now I can't hold it" he says

Then I just go faster and suck harder and then I feel his cum oozing out and into my mouth and I swallow him clean and he opens his eyes and his breath Is frantic and he smiles at me

"Best blow job I ever had" he says and kisses me and runs his hands all over my body and he puts us both naked under the covers and turns on the TV and we cuddle and watch shows and I can't believe I'm here especially just the part of being naked in bed with a guy. Later that night we have dinner and then he drops me off at home and I shower and sleep

Next Morning I wake up and head down to eat breakfast i see my mom having her coffee and she smiles and breakfast is waiting for me totally knowing she wants to talk

"Hey mom" I say sitting and take my first sip of coffee

"Hi baby how are you? Any special plans today?" She ask

"I'm good I'm meeting up with Amaia apparently her mom is having a park party that she does for fundraising" I say

"Oh yes I'll be there to helping her out so you should come visit me if you can I also heard through the grapevine that you and Thiago have been hanging out alot" she smiles and there goes bullet what she actually wants to know

"Well I mean that's what you asked him to do so yeah I guess we work out and he helps in Spanish thats it though we aren't friends" I say

"Oh okay you look good though honey remember I think you are beautiful no matter what.... I'm leaving now I'll see you there" she says

"Okay mom" I say and I wash my dish and hurry to get changed because Amaia is pulling up
Once done I walk out and get in Amaia car

"Hey bestie boo ready for this charity park party thanks for coming you are live saver" she says

"No problem I wouldn't leave you alone whose gonna be there anyone we know?" I ask

"My brothers friends and their parents usually go and alot of my parents supposed friends and others from our school" I say
We park and walk out and I look around

"Holy crap Amaia I didn't think of all this" I say

"Yeah she loves exaggerating it's funny which is why I'm usually miserable at these place and events but now I have my best friend with me" she says

"Yeah she loves exaggerating it's funny which is why I'm usually miserable at these place and events but now I have my best friend with me" she says

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"Its cute though but I honestly didn't expect this at all" we spot both our mothers and wave and so do they

"Let's dip further before they think we will help all day no way I already came here that's enough" Amaia says I nod and laugh

We walk around and I see alot of people I don't know  some say Hello to Amaia some don't I look around and I spot Thiago and he's with his family and some friends

We keep walking and our moms actually catches up with us

"Girls it's so good to see you are enjoying it the event" Amaia mom says

"Yes it's very nice you did a good job putting it together!" I tell her

"Are you girls going to the formal ceremony? Well of course you are" Amaia mom says

"Mom not this again I told you I don't like it" Amaia complained

"Well now you have Nell to go with Amaia!" mom says

"Yes that would be great" my mother starts

"What is this that we are talking about?" I ask totally confused

"The Endless Formal it's basically some cotillion shit where most girls die to be asked to go, and dress like princesses and parents go too and live like they're young all over again and all money raised goes to charity because everyone gets a number and the goal is for everyone to get matched with a number and who ever raised the most for you get to 2-3 hours along with them but if you don't get bet well oh well you are basically a loser that's why I hate it! "Amaia says

"Now Amaia it's not like that it's fun and everyone enjoys it you make it sound so bad no one is a loser it's just not everyone can be selected but you do every year so I don't understand" her mom says

"What sounds bad?" Thiago mom appears out of nowhere with her sons

"The Endless Formal Amaia is complaining while I'm telling Nell how fun it is" her mom sighs

"Oh yass my boys enjoy it every year Thiago actually just finished asking Missy to the formal" Thiago mom says and in that moment I get angry not only because he did not ask me, he didn't even think to tell me about it

"Were going as friends" Thiago says nervously

"Such a lovely choice" me and Amaia say

"I'm waiting for Matias to ask someone" I hear the boys mom whispering like she knows something

"Actually Nell would you be my date to the Endless Formal I wouldn't want to go with anyone else" Matias says

"Huh?" I ask

"Yayy" Amaia says

"What this is a joke?" Thiago screams angered

"Yes Matias I'd love too" I say smiling

"Oh my goodness" my mom screams happily

"This is a lovely surprise I'm so excited" Thiago mom says smiling ear to ear

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