Chapter 26

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We get to the room and I see Thiago stripping off his clothes

"I'm going go hop in the shower Nell" he says

"Okay I'll go after you" i say while looking for my pj's

"How about you join me?" he says smiling

"Ugh no I can't Thiago" I say and look away

"Why not princess? I've seen you naked before" he says

"Yes but not all at once that is so revealing" I say

"Is it about you seeing me naked? I mean you've seen me naked it'd just now all at once" he says nonchalantly

"Its more you seeing you me completely nude Thiago" I say

"Princess your body gets me going I'm on edge just thinking about it" he says 

Just the thought of Thiago seeing me is making my mind race what about my stretch marks my droopy breast lord no that's to revealing

"Princess?......Are you there?" he ask

"Yes I just can't Thiago it's embarrassing and I'm nervous" I say

"Princess you realize I'll see you naked when we fuck I mean that's how people have sex" he says

"What if you see something you don't like huh?" I say

"I've liked what I've seen already and I'm hard right now come on" he pleads

"No one has ever seen me this bare" I say

"Baby you are safe with me I promise and you have a killer body now let's get into the shower" he says and pulls me and we walk inside

"Okay so how about I strip first then you does that work?" he ask

"Um can we do one thing one thing me" I say

"Absolutely baby okay I'll start with something stupid my socks" he laughs

I laugh with him and take off my sandals and then he takes of his belt and jeans and I can see he's hard God damn this man is huge my eyes go wide

"Okay your turn" he says
I take off my jeans and I'm thankful I decided to put on a thong today once my pants are off Thiago touches my ass and proceeds to take off his shirt leaving him only in his boxers

"Your turn baby come on drive me even more crazy you are beautiful Nell" he says
I smile because he is helpful when he says stuff like this I take off my top and then pull down my underwear because I feel just like getting over with leaving me in only my bra

"Okay babe how do you want to do this I want you to feel comfortable" he says

"Let's do it it together" I say

"Okay 1, 2,3" he counts and he takes off his boxers and I remove my bra and we both drop them to the floor and jump into the shower
Thiago looks down at my breast and takes them with both his hand and kisses both of them

"Absolutely fucking perfect thats what you are Nell" he says

"If I could take you right now in this shower we'd be here for hours baby before I got my fill and taste every inch of you" he says

Thiago starts kissing down my body until he reaches my vagina and starts to lick me slowly so I start pulling his hair and moaning he then proceeds to go faster and also adding to fingers inside me

"Shit Thiago" I scream

"Mhmm baby I think you're an addiction at this point" he grunts

When he picks up speed my legs start shaking and in seconds I'm coming and he's licking me clean

"Now this is what I call a great shower" he says and kisses my lips  and we get out and dry up and just lay on the bed naked I can't believe I'm doing this next to Thiago

"Come cuddle Nell" he says

I head over and look up at his face and stroke my fingers up and down his completely toned body I even start counting his 8 pack how can someone like him lay in bed with me and lust after me that's where my mind flows

"Thiago can I ask you some questions like a game?" I ask

"Sure we can both play?" he says

"What do you like doing for fun?" I ask

"Uh I love soccer, watching movies, working out and music" he says

"I can't believe you actually enjoy working out" I say

"I mean it's fun just like you enjoy dancing and drawing" he says

"True do you get along with your parents?" I ask

"Uh they are a pain especially my dad but yeah we're cool I rather be around my brother though I like that he doesn't care what people think and you" he says truthfully

"I love my dad but my mom expects me to be her literally and I will never be so me and her have that problem and it will continue till she accepts me as I am" I say

"Favorite color?" he ask

"I would say purple but I really like most pastel colors and yours?" I say

"Mine is green or silver" he says

"Thiago do you want a relationship?" I ask and instantly regretting my question

He looks at me and sighs
"I don't know I mean the girls around my world not really but us together I'm not sure I like you Nell I do I just don't know if I could be a good boyfriend" he says

"Its because people will say you are with a fat girl huh" I say

No Nell listen you deserve a "amazing boyfriend but can I be that I'm not sure in that case I'm not like my brother or cousin" he says

"I get it" I say

"You know I care about you I feel things I won't deny that but I like what we are doing now I don't know if I want it to be complicate things" he explained

I nod my head and drift off to sleep I really don't know what we are doing but I want him to be more than just being my secret lover

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