Chapter 10

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He walks and I see we're heading to his car oh man here comes my nerves again I check around to see if anyone is around but what am I saying of course Thiago would make sure no one is lurking around

"Get in" he commands

"Umm I can't leave my car here" I say

"I'll drive you back princesa don't worry now get your ass in the car" he says

"My ass is none of your damn business okay and fine whatever where are you taking me" I ask

"Somewhere we can talk and we will see about that won't we" he says with a smirk and keeps driving

He drives to this place imports a gate code and we drive in and he parks the car and we get out

And he walks ahead of me and I just follow him when he sits I join him and look at him

"Uh nice car by the way" I say looking back at the car I've never been inside one of those I say

"Thanks but I do not think we came here to talk about carsBut yeah one of the few I drive depends on my mood" he says nonchalantly

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"Thanks but I do not think we came here to talk about cars
But yeah one of the few I drive depends on my mood" he says nonchalantly

"Yeah so how are we doing this because I refuse to loose weight I'm healthy my mother is just stupid" I say

"I told you I don't care if you do or don't as long as you play along that we've been doing stuff okay" he says

"Why do you need the money?" I ask

"I don't like being controlled and having more of my own money means my father can leave me the hell alone" he says

"I wish my parents would get the hint of that line but clearly in one ear out the other when it comes to my mom" I say

"Yeah I can tell you two don't get along you're clearly not alike" he says

"Why because she's skinny and I'm not" I ask him

"Not everything is about weight Nell you just are total opposite and clearly don't have the same interest your mom is basically into fashion and modeling like mine and you seem like you don't give a rats ass" he says

"You're definitely right about that" I say

"So what are we doing here and how are we gonna um make my mom believe I'm losing weight" I ask

"I think we should get to know each other... and I said we should hook up with each other Nell" he says

I start coughing because what the hell is going on why would Thiago want to be intimate hell be near me in that way period

"Why do you want to do that with each other" I ask

"Why wouldn't I...... What do you not find me attractive? he ask

"I mean you're not stupid you know the answer to that everyone in the college wants to sleep with or talks about how they'd like another round with you very whore like of you huh" I say

Thiago then just start laughing so hard..... "Well how did you find this out and I'm no whore"

"Well I mean me and Amaia are really close and she told me and I was in class one day when this girl practically begged Enzo to talk you into hooking up again with her" I explained

"Haha I would've loved to see that Enzo probably got so angry.... So question princess have you ever master bated" he ask

"Umm way to take a sharp left turn Thiago and I mean who hasn't" I say

"Well tonight I want you to lock the doors lie on your bed and think of all the naughty things I'm gonna do to you and that you want me to do to you" he says

"Wait what.... Why?" I question

"I want you to get a sneak preview of how hard I'm going to make you cum undone princess" he says

"Well I don't see how that's going to convince my parents were working out" I say

"You know what they?" say he winks

"No I don't what do you mean exactly" I ask him

"Sex is one of the best excersises, workouts you can get and orgasming is a great stress relief so I'm pretty sure we'll be great on the excersing department" he says

"You make this seem so simple and like Its a great idea with no consequences" I say

"You'll learn I'm always right and it is a great idea now let's go I gotta drop you back" he says getting up and giving me a hand to get up

We hope in the car and he drives off back to school and he speeds the way there and parks right next to my car no one is here and the school looks deserted

"Oh and princess I want full details of how tonight goes and what I did okay I'll call you got it" he says

"How will you call me you don't have my number" I say

"Hand me your phone" he ask
I start to doubt giving it to him but he pulls it away from me and enters his number and calls himself and hand its back when I look down its his number but where you supposed to put your name it's a winky face emoji

"Why did you put that instead of
Your name?" I ask

"Its our little secret Nell no one has to know and It makes it more fun" he says

"If you say so well bye" I say

"I'll see you around and you'll hear from me very soon" he says

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