Chapter 6

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When I finally reach home I drop my bag next to the door and I just head into the kitchen and I see my dad

"Hey kiddo how was school?" he ask  me

"It was uneventful basically just like school back home but this time with Spaniards only thing was Amaia made it tolerable I would" says I guess

"I'm sorry honey maybe with time it'll get better" he says

"Nothing will make it like new york or the freedom so I doubt it" I say and In that exact moment my mother walks in and screams a little

"Oh honey I thought I'd make it home before you tell me all about today" she shreaks

"Ugh mom there's nothing to tell school was a Pain, girls were bitches and guys well made fun of me but Amaia backed me up all day anything else you'd like to" ask I question

"Oh honey you don't have to go out of your way to make it seem that bad" she says

"I'm not I'm honest always have been always will be but enough of me and y'all" I ask trying to get out of this conversation before anything of my weight comes into this talk

"Well I went shopping with Thiago mom and then I went to see the new location and it looks amazing" she sings

"Nice mom, sounds like an eventful day" i tell her and then excuse myself to go shower

I get in the shower and try to relax not thinking of all my troubles I'm so done with everything that involves people since being nice doesn't seem to exist anymore ughh once I'm done I wrap the towel around me even though it barely fits around my round body.. I look in the mirror and stare

I just don't get why I was cursed with this body and not skinny like my mom I wouldn't be suffering with all this crap like even my best assets my boobs sag like gosh give me something to work with

Its not fair that skinny girls don't feel this or can be confident in any outfit when all I think about is covering myself every day i grab my stomach and squish it and roll my eyes and get dressed before I just cry for no reason

All my life I've struggled with weight I honestly never had a period where I liked my body ever since I can remember I've been bullied for it I couldn't even make friends so I stuck to myself on my everyday torture from elementary to high school and never had anyone to listen my mom never understood she was beautiful her entire life and skinny sometimes she thought I was happy being bigger or just never tried ughh those were really bad days I'd even binge eat at times but I stopped because I would get really down with myself and now most days I learn to accept my body it's getting better but hard when everyone tries to tear you down but you live and you learn I'm so bored I decide I need to take a walk I head down and tell my parents I'm walking and head out

I look around to get a feel of the neighborhood pretty quite not much going on but it's true spain is a very pretty place now I don't know if it's as amazing as people talk but not bad I see a park and I decided to go swinging on it dont remember the last time I've been on one but why not let me just let go for once I walk up to it and sit and just keep swinging and try to not think of my problems

"Hey swinging all your troubles away that's always a good way" I hear someone say so I gasp and look up
And I see this boy I've never seen but he has a nice sweet smile and seems cool and he's just laying his head on the gate bar looking at me

"Hey swinging all your troubles away that's always a good way" I hear someone say so I gasp and look up And I see this boy I've never seen but he has a nice sweet smile and seems cool and he's just laying his head on the gate bar looking at me

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"Um yeah I am and hello" I say awkwardly

"Yeah, sorry I must've scared you my name is Clark Daxton" he says nervously

"No you're good nice to meet you my name is Nell Anders" I tell him

"You just moved here right and started at Las Valencia" he blurts out

I start to freak out because how can he know that am i being stalked and I start to  step backwards

"Omg I'm so sorry I'm not stalking you! you're in 3 of my classes and I recognized you so I thought I'd come over and say hi" he explains

"Oh really I'm sorry I don't pay attention to my surroundings I'm usually trying to hide or dip out as quickly as possible so I didn't see you but yes I do, it's  also nice that you came to say hi" I tell him trying to make him calm down after basically saying he creeps me out

"No problem I always like meeting new people especially when they're cool to talk to" he says shrugging his shoulder

I look at him and he's very nice me and him can definitely be friends first genuine nice guy I've met it has me weary because it's so unexpected

"Hey you okay you're just starting" he says

"No I'm good you are just very different and it's nice" I say honestly

"Ahh you mean I'm not a pretentious douche bag like everyone at school" he laughs

"Um I mean if we're being honest hell yes usually when people see me they just want to make fun of me" I say

"Its cause they're jealous of you or don't take enough time go get to know you" he says

"Aww thanks but I can't imagine someone like you that's not popular" I tell him

"Well I'm Not rich enough or cool enough for it neither do I care to be apart of it they tend to forget after college and we leave here they have to get a real personality and do something with their lives" he says

"That's so true they base life and their future just on the factor of being popular for a few years so dumb" I say laughing

"Well isn't this a sight look it's Tiny needle Clark and Chunky Nell this is hilarious" I hear someone taunt until I recognize who it is

"Are you gonna show her to Clark because it's not gonna make her happy or anyone at this point" Thiago says laughing

"I.... Gotta... gonna go ill see you around Nell" and I see him just jog away clearly embarrassed

"What is your problem why would you do that you're so mean" I yell at him

While he just laughs and watches Clark run for the hills and I just sit and roll my eyes 

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