Chapter 34

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I watch Thiago face turn from happy to a very annoyed face and I see an older woman just smiling so I tap him and he looks at me

"Whose that?"  I ask

"That would be my grandmother and up to tricks clearly!" he says

He takes my hand and follows Matias up to where she is along with the girls I keep eyeing

"Ah there are my handsome grandsons I've missed you!" she says

"Hello grandma we didn't know you were coming" Thiago says

"I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone I didn't even tell your father!" she says

"Well it's very much and unexpected surprise!" Matias says

"Speaking of surprises boys you remember Kylie and Lola" she says

They both say hello and hug the boys à little to tight for my liking

"Its so good to see you guys we're so excited to be here!" the one with brown hair which i think is named Kylie

"Why are you guys here?" Thiago says

"Your grandmother invited us it has been years" Kylie says

"Where are your friends Thiago?" his grandmother asked

"They are around but grandma this Nell my girlfriend" he says and I smile and shake her hand her eyes go wide and the girls look shocked

"You mean a friend that is a girl?" she ask

"Mother stop right now!" Thiago dad intervenes

"No grandma my girlfriend as in a couple as in dating and I'm not single" I say

"Oh okay well this interesting and new to hear about nice to meet you!" she says

"What about you Matias his grandmother?" asked

"I'm single but still not interested just like years before" Matias says and I'm lost yet again

Thiago takes my hand we walk to the lounge chairs

"I can explain what's going on?" he says

"Okay tell me!" I say

"So I've know Kylie and Lola my entire life they are my grandma best friend granddaughters and ever since I can remember my grandmother has pictured us to together me and Matias for both of them and she's clearly trying to carryout that plan" I say

"Why if you both don't want it what would that do for her?"   I ask

"So the girls grandparents own a company that works close to my parents company and my grandma has a stake in it and she says if we group together we'd be unstoppable so that's all she can think about" I tell her

"So its about money? That's crazy what if you're not happy with them and did you and Kylie date ever?" I ask even though I really don't want to hear

"No I've never dated anyone but you and I mean i won't say we never had anything we hooked up but she meant nothing Nell so you don't have to worry" he says

"Its just alot to take in I mean basically your grandmother wants you to marry her" I say

"Yes but I'm never going to that's not what I want so who cares what she wants or anyone else but us I don't want this to ruin what we have going" he says

"It won't I'm glad you told me!" I say

He stands up and walks close to me and smashes his lips against mine God just his lips make me weak on my knees

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