Chapter 21

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Today I have 2 classes so I got to wake up later so I get dressed and eat breakfast and out the door I am since both my parents are already out to work so It was a silent morning which I don't regret having so I finally pull up and I get to see my favorite person which is Amaia and she smiles

"Hey girly loving seeing you are you ready for today" she ask

"Clinicals aren't going to be bad but retched P.E. Credit is driving me insane honestly I hate it always have to participate like how did that credit not transfer over" i say

"maybe you didnt actually complete enough like we do physical education is very important here but at least you got it with me" she says

"yeah lets go before i miss everything important this morning" i say already annoyed

class went by quickly and when i look i notice thiago on the other side just standing talking to his friends and he bascially ignores me typical and very annoying

we walk in the changing rooms and get into gym clothes and then amaia walks next to me and slaps my butt

"have you noticed this ugly ass things they give us at work out clothes are so unflattering like eww" she says

i"m pretty sure its supposed to be flattering on skinny sticks not us" i say

"nah girl even they be looking nasty and why would anyone want a stick when they can be around your ass and tits like hello  they must be blind" she says winking

"i know you lying especially with all your amazing assets girl haha i love you now lets get this class over with" i say

"i love you more bestie and yeah i guess" she says

once out the door we here the coach blowing his whistle and everyone comes to the middle

"alright today we will be playing dodgeball so we will have 2 teams and everyone must participate no sitting out so captains will Thiago Axel and Enzo Florencia" he announces

"my team is gonna tank yours bro" enzo says to thiago

"how you gonna talk so much shit before the game starts asshat" thiago says

"alright boys lets goo" start coach yells
they start picking teams and of course basically every basic person is getting picked and theres only 4 people left which not surprising its me, Amaia, the basic school whore Ella and this one is shocking to me but a pretty fit dude named nick and he looks very toned so im surpised one of the boys didnt scoop him up yet

"not a surpise my brother will take anyting then pickng me worse part is he thinks i care i want to be on the opposite team so i can peg his head"  she says laughing

"i choose Ella" enzo says
"no dont do that i want to be with thiago on his team not yours" ella wines

"tough crap ella get moving we have a game to play" coach yells

"alright well then amaia lets go" thiago says and amaia makes one hell of confused face while enzo chuckles

i roll my eyes because im not mad because he choose amaia im annoyed that he can get in between my legs but has to do all this on a stupid dodgeball game hes so stupid

"easy i pick nick lets go!!! "enzo yellls like he won a victory run hes so childish its so dumb

"okay i guess Nell come on" he whispers i just roll my eyes and brush past him

the game starts and im going between people hiding  then catching up with Amaia to peg barbie dolls in the head and we just laugh

and the best part of all is when Enzo gets the ball slammed into his face and knocked down by Thiago and me and Amaia laugh so hard everyone looks toward us and of course and Enzo just pouts

then its only me and amaia against 2 other girls on enzo teams they are nice though but get me out very quickly because the one that targeted me actually is on the dodgeball team so i had no chance

when i get to the bleachers i sit and cheer on amaia i didnt even notice thiago was next to me so he looks forward but whispers

"so you didnt notice me next and why did you shove me when i picked you?" he said

"thiago theres nothing to talk about since you cant treat me as at least like a friend in front of others" i say

"huh what i dont get it?" he says

"of course you dont just leave it okay just like you like it" i say

"how she got to be on thiago team i have no idea did you see how upset he was i dont blame him" ella says

i get angry and turn around and stand up and look at her

"keep my fucking name out your mouth and if you have a problem then do something about it but that right you are a scared little bitch so stop running your mouth" i say and she just goes go ghost white and silent

"thiago did you hear what she said?" ella wines

"i mean ella you do need to shut up sometimes leave people the hell alone so you deserve it  and maybe dont talk shit if you cant back it up" he says

and thaigo just laughs which but i'm even more  surprised he would even say anyhing especially almost backing me up or agreeing with me and he winks
the whistle blows and coach announces Thiago team won just because of Amaia

"yes bestie congrats" i say hugging her and thiago pats her on the back

"now the best part of winning was seeing you put that whore in her place love to see it" she says

we say and head out to change and i look down at my phone to see a text from thiago

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