Chapter 31

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So for the pass 45 minutes I've just been watching Nell have fun with me not being her date I literally haven't gotten the courage to go talk to her even though I want to all I can do is blame myself for being an idiot and not asking her. I finally say fuck it and head over to her she's standing by herself at this point and she quickly feels someone heading over to her so she looks over and I finally look over at her and smile

"Hello Nell you look absolutely beautiful you take my breath away" I say

"Hi Thiago thank you i guess I'm surprised I thought you only say those things in private. Are you enjoying your night? she ask and smiles at me

" No" I say really quickly

"Why not? Is your dad making you  mad or what?" she ask

"I'm not having fun princess because you aren't my date and your hear actually having fun with my brother" I say

"Uh don't you have to be careful who hears you?" she ask

"I do not care at all who hears I'm being serious princess no lies here" I say

My brother finally approaches and hands Nell a drink and smiles at me

"Hey little brother you look good" he says

"Thanks bro you too oh and by the way Nell you may be his date for  2 more hours but I will change that see you later princess" I say and walk away

I walk back to find Missy but she's talking to a girl so I stand at a table by myself and I hear

"Hello son" and I turn to see my dad with his arms open for a hug

"Hello son" and I turn to see my dad with his arms open for a hug

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"Hey papa you made it!" I say hugging him

"Of course your mother wouldn't let me no matter what business I had and I did miss my boys look at you keep growing huh" he says

"Yes he does thats one of our handsome boys but I'll say this one looks like me" my mom says kissing my head 

"So where's this pretty date of yours, is she your girlfriend? he ask

"Uh I came with missy she's not but my girlfriend is here she actually came with someone else as friends since I'm doing Missy a favor" i say

"Oh okay that's nice of you tell me missy problem later okay so where is this special girl and what's her name?" dad ask

"Her name is Nell and she is right there" I say smiling  pointing at her talking to Amaia

"Oh my Thiago I love that! why didn't you tell us?" my mom says smiling ear to ear and she starts calling Pearl over and my heart rate increases

"Hello Valentina oh my Charles it's so good to see you!" she says and gives my dad a hug

"It's been years Pearl I think since me and Valentina wedding its nice to see you too" and I hear my son has great taste my dad continues

"Oh yes Pearl can you believe that our kids are dating" my mom says so happy

"Oh my Nell didn't tell me I knew she was keeping something from me but Thiago thats so sweet and good to hear I have to tell my husband" Pearl starts

"Well I'm going to bathroom I'll see you later papa Matias is on the floor he'd love to see you" i say and disappear trying to think how Nell will take all this

Nell POV

"Whats going on with him and what is he talking about?" I say

"He is saying that he's going to bet on you i guess I made him jealous but if we're honestly speaking Nell he really likes you" he says

"I don't know anymore all I know is your brother loves playing games or playing different angles" I say

Matias is about to answer when Amaia and Santiago join us

"Hey guys having fun?" Santiago ask

"Yeah it's pretty cool I've never been to anything like this" I say

"Yeah you know my mom extravagance to no limits" Amaia says rolling her eyes

"Oh trust my mom is having the time of her life in this lash place she's thrives for this while my dad keeps being near the bar with a whiskey in hand" I say while pointing at my parents

We all laugh because it's so true I look at my dad and he rolls his eyes at me showing me he thinks this is ridiculously stupid  

"The things you do for love haha" Matias says 

"So are you excited too see how much someone bets for you girls" Santiago ask

"Haha yeah no I'm sticking with my date I'm sure no one is even thinking of me as prospect I'm not pretentious enough" I say laughing

"Oh please Nell you are stunning and look amazing I'm sure you'll get taken from me today" Matias says

"Yeah girl I agree to bad girls don't bet because I'd rack up my parents statements just on you" Amaia laughs and winks at me

"Now you Amaia is definitely who I want betting on me" I say winking back at her

I hear my name being called as I'm swaying to the music and I look and it's my mom smiling I turn to Amaia and then the announcer walks around to give numbers and I'm given the number 15 and Amaia is 18 and we walk over to her

"Hi mama are you having fun?" I ask

"Yes I really am it's beautiful night and I heard your little secret sweetheart I'm happy for you i told you see how beautiful you are" she says and I look her confused as hell

"Mama what are you talking about?" I ask

"Well I met your boyfriends father you have good taste sweety I didn't expect it to be him" she says

"Who are you talking about I'm so lost?" I say

"Don't worry sweetie I'll let you tell you're dad but you should hurry Thiago just let all of us know" she says hugging me

What!!! My head is spinning did my mom fall or something did she just say Thiago told our parents were dating each other my thoughts all over the place I reach for my mom again to ask her to repeat

When over the speak they start calling out numbers and I try to ignore them but it's loud

"Mom please tell me who told you this" I whisper but she can't hear me

"Sweetie you are number 15 they are calling look she says pointing between the stage and my number

I look up and at Amaia like what is going on

"The number bets they are going to tell you the person who got you" she says

"Go hun have fun we will talk later" my mom says and blows a kiss 

I walk up to the announcer and collect the number of the person who put a bet on me for the rest of the night and I look down at the number 21 and I look around to the room until I spot Thiago and I'm about to ignore him until he shows me his number 15 and I hold up his number 21 he smiles at me

I walk up to the announcer and collect the number of the person who put a bet on me for the rest of the night and I look down at the number 21 and I look around to the room until I spot Thiago and I'm about to ignore him until he shows me his numb...

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