Secret Alpha

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Chapter 1

: Sophia

"You can not date anyone from the human world" Alpha growled at me as I met his gaze timidly. Fear filled me. 

"Its not dating" I stuttered. "I only asked what was for lunch" I answered innocently. His hard voice sending chills of fear through me locking up my muscles. As a human I wasn't built to withstand the blunt effects of an Alpha's command. 

As a human I was meant to mate with a human, it was impossible for a werewolf to mate with humans. I was adopted into this pack when I was only ten years old, that was seven years ago now. I was held at the same standard as the pack, but as a human it was hard for me to follow all the rules and protocal of the pack. Humans were'nt hard wired with the fear and drive to obey an Alpha's command. 

It was a constant battle trying to remember every rule, every move having to be altered. But with human blood running through my veins and the stubborn will that was inherited from my mother I never knew when to give up or back down. "You were seen talking to a human Sophia. You know the rules very well" 

Hanging my head I bit my lip with tears in my eyes. The tone he took always made me cry no matter how hard I tried not to. "I don't have any friends, I don't talk to anyone, or have anyone. I am human I need to talk to people Alpha" I pleaded desperately with tears running down my cheeks.

"There is someone in the pack" He grunted out. "You will marry a pack member" he added soberly.

"So I am never to have children" I whispered feeling the floor under me drop out from under my feet and my heart ache at the thought of never being able to hold my own child. 

"You can always adopt as we had with you" 

"I never asked for this, I wish you had just let me die" I hissed out in anger as I turned on my heels and ran from the room, in a blur I bumped into someone and skirted around the hard frame attempting to flee quickly.

"Sophia stop" his booming voice caused my body to lock up and mid step I froze feeling the fear coursing through me I felt him prowling to me making the hair over my body stand on end. "Turn now" He growled. 

And for once in my life I did promptly respond turning slowly keeping my head down I gasped when a hard hand came into contact with my cheek I felt the my teeth clatter and the sharp pain blurred my vision as blood filled my mouth and I spit it out with a cough. 

"We did not have to bring you into this home Sophia. We never asked for a worthless human thrown at our feet. Yet we took you in, clothed you, put warm food in your belly" he ground out.

Protocol slipped me as I glared up as I wiped away the blood from my lips. "And make me feel unwanted, hated, shunned. Yes bravo Alpha for making my life hell. I know the pack bitches at me, that the males laugh at me . I have nothing but this empty life with now real reason to live" I spoke with a broken voice tears streaming down my cheeks. "You have done everything imaginable to make me feel unwelcomed. Just end my life and let me have peace of once" I whispered in a pleading voice. 

"Drake you went to far" The Luna let out as she came up beside him and pushed him back as she glared at him as she pulled a tissue out. "You hit her" she growled as she went to touch me I cringed back trembling. "We have to get her to the doctors" 

"She's fine" he glared darkly. "She needed to be reminded of her position in life" 

"She is not an underling. She's not built like us Drake" she groaned. "You cant hit her like that you drew blood" she gave me the tissue. "Come on Sophia, we will get you to the doctors." she sent him a dark look as she helped me up and groaned softly. "Her mate will not like this Drake. You realize what you did?" She muttered as I felt myself slip into darkness.

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