Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

: Sophia

Sitting out in the lobby I chewed on my bottom lip as I mulled it over. I didn't know what to do with myself. I had complete and utter freedom. But I had no clue what do to.

"Why so down little lady" I glanced over at the man who sat down beside me.

"I'm not down" I shrugged.

"Then why the frown?" He asked curiously as he reached out and touched my cheek. It was tender but thankfully with enough foundation it was hard to see the bruising, "If your not down you shouldn't have a frown"

I shrugged again shocked by his tender touch. "I don't know"

"I'm Darcy by the way" he smile flashing a set of pearly white teeth.

"Sophia" I whispered softly.

I had done it. I was talking to someone other then a pack member.

"Whats got you upset Sophia?"

"Nothing" I let out quickly.

"Oh don't lie to me, I can see your upset. Its in your eyes, my wo-I mean I'm just good at reading people" He quickly corrected.

I felt my brows shoot up. "your a wolf" I whispered out softly.

His eyes widened. "I don't know what your talking about" He stood up and looked like he was about to leave.

"Its okay, I know-my Alpha-I mean I use to belong to a pack" I stated in a very small voice as a few people passed by.

He sat back down looking hesitant. "A pack you say?"

I nodded. "Yes" I shifted. "I use to live with one till a couple of hours ago"

He looked around before holding his hand out to me. "Lets go to my room where there is no other eyes and ears around"

I nodding knowing how important secrecy was and took it as he lead me to his room which was pent house level.

"Now explain"

"I was adopted into the pack when I was 10, the Alpha took me in and kept me for 7 years but it was hard to follow the rules" I admitted.

"You said a couple hours ago what happened?"

"I asked another human what lunch was, that's against the rules. He got upset with me, and I lost my temper and spoke against him. In return he had kicked me out of the pack house and moved me to the wasteland" I looked over at him as he sat me down at the soft couch. "I didn't want to live there so I left"

He looked troubled. "Humans cant follow our rules, they can try but its pointless. They do not feel the need to accept and follow rules and orders blindly" He muttered out to himself. "It is near impossible, for you to last 7 years in a pack" he combed a hand through his hair. "Most humans end up dead after the 1st year . How did you survive this long"

"I did what I was told as best as I could." Meeting his gaze I looked into his eyes.

There was a loud bang on the door before it was flung open and I froze my eyes locked onto Zachary as he came gliding into the room his eyes flickered between us before he let out a thundering growl and pulled me into his side holding me closely.

"Sophia" He buried his face into my neck before growled at Darcy. "I thought we talked about this little mate" he let out coolly. "You were not meant to have any contact with another male"

I froze as I pushed at his chest with cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Zachary-"

"Mate?" Darcy let out curiously as I turned to face him. "Is that right?"

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