Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 


Glancing at the waitress I glared as she paid to close of attention to Zachary.

"Honey what would you like to get?" He asked as I looked over the menu.

I chewed on my lip. "Can I get a cappuccino?"

He smiled as he leaned in and kissed me tenderly. I swayed to him blushing. "You don't have to ask for anything. We'll have two cappuccino's. Did you want caramel or chocolate?" he asked and all I did was shrug. Sighing he smiled again. "One of each flavor that way you can have a sample of mine to see what you like best" He locked eyes with me again. "As I was saying you will move in with me, we can look into refurnishing the place, everything came with that house anyways"

"You didn't have to get both"

He shrugged. "I've been gone for seven years." he paused. "I missed a lot, and have a lot to make up for. Whatever the pack told you wasn't true Sophia" He moved closer to me and wrapped a arm around my waist. "I will settle things with the Alpha for how you were treated under his care" he kissed me again.

"Why-why wasn't I able to talk to human girls?" I asked curiously. "boys-I can understand but why girls?"

" Because even girls looked at you the way a man would." He confessed. "Its rare for a wolf to be into the same sex but there were a few who did watch you to closely. Your mine" he let out. "And I didn't want them to get to close"

"Well if it isn't Sophia" I looked up quickly. "Hey soso" Darcy sat on the opposite side of us. "What you chose?" He asked curiously.

"We chose cappuccinos" I let out.

"Oh those are very good, I have one when I first got here. Don't try the pulled pork it is utter trash but the steak was good" He let out cheerfully.

Zachary tightened his arm around me and nuzzled my neck.

"No need to show your claim I already know she has a mate" Darcy sighed.

"Then don't talk to her as if she doesn't" Zachary let out.

"Be nice" I touched his hand as I looked up at him. "Hes just being nice"

"and here is your order" The waitress leaned over enough to flash her breasts more. "What can I get you master?" She asked Darcy with wide eyes.

"Whatever she ordered." Darcy waved her off.

She gave a pout and walked away sulking.

I eyed the two cups. "Zachary. Which one is mine?"

He chuckled. "We are sharing remember and whatever flavor you like best we can order another"

I beamed up at him. "Oh thank you"


"I will be right back" Darcy stood and left the table.

"I don't like him" He let out coolly his breath ruffling my hair as he nuzzled the top of my head inhaling deeply. A part of me curious if I smelled as good to him as he did for me.

"Hes nice to me"

"He want's something" Zachary let out bluntly. "People of his status don't just hang around the lower class for the hell of it. He wants something but I can't tell what" He stroked my arm. "I just don't want you to get hurt in all of this, so promise me you wont be alone with him"

I peeked up at him and nodded not wanting to argue.

He sighed and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

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