Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I knew I scared her, the way I talked about killing Tanner to get her back. But I wasn’t thinking straight by the time I could get her back she could be more emotionally attached to him. And I could hurt her by killing him but I wasn’t about to let him get in my way of happiness that was my baby, that was my Sophia not his to claim not his to touch not his to sleep with.

She is my mate and if he did dare sleep with her I would kill him just for touching my mate. Growling I clenched my hands with a deep hiss of air that slipped out from between my clenched teeth. Opening the window in my room I let the cool morning  breeze sweep into my room. Today she started school, and today would be the day I brought her back home. I wouldn’t stand for any more of my mates actions any more. I would lock her up in our room I would lock the windows if I had to. Just to keep her here I would bed her and mark her making it impossible for her to leave me.

‘you haven’t tried looking for her’ turning I face Darcy.

‘she’s my mate to worry about not yours’  I answered coolly as I looked away from him. ‘you should be leaving by now’

‘your right I shouldn’t have to worry about her, but sense you aren’t I will. SoSo doesn’t need someone like you in her life your not even trying to get her back’

Turning to face him again I gave a growl.  ‘I’ve been waiting for seven years to have my mate by my side,  I will have her brought back to me’ I answered coolly as I took a deep breath.

My senses were reeling and Tallon was telling me to go to a school. Somehow he knew something no felt something as I found myself walking past him. 

“are you sure about this?” I demanded with a deep growl as I clenched and unclenched my hands as I paced in my back yard.

“of course I’m sure I can sense her close, she’s here I know she is” Tallon answered in a deep demanding voice.

He was ordering me to go to all the neighboring schools to search for Sophia saying she was close. “She cant be here we looked all over the area” I answered stiffly. “I highly doubt the man is stupid enough to enroll her in a school close to her old pack”

“that’s what you think she’s wearing a scent blocker, Zachary for a Alpha you don’t bother to listen to me you should have listend to me we are one you ignorant bastard I know when my mate is near and SHE is near us I can feel her!” he boomed out in outrage for me even questioning his knowledge.

Flinching I blocked him off as I stopped pacing. I couldn’t smell Tanner and I couldn’t catch any trace of Sophia’s scent. But there was another scent one that tickled my nose and made Tallon give a growl of approval.

“go now to the east bank of the stream” he ordered to me in a strong voice.

Doing as he asked I walked through the woods to the bank a small stream that had a little log bridge that allowed the children to walk to and from. Sighing I sniffed the air. That scent that ticked my nose was gone. “why did you bring me here nothing is here!” I demanded roughly as I looked around noting two set’s of footprints in the mud along the side of the stream. Walking closer I found a little girl sobbing quietly holding her knee as a boy knelt beside her trying to comfort her in an adult like manor as he washed the blood away as she sniffled. Looking in awe I felt my jaw drop it was easy to see that those two were mates, that they had the affection and tenderness that any adult wolfs would have towards one another. Yet here before me were to mere children taking care of each other.

Looking up at him with loving eyes the girl stood and threw herself at the boy knocking him back as he caught her holding her tight he rubbed her back.

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