Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


The gravel shifted under my paws as I walked forward with a eerie stealth as I paused my ears perked up listening closely to the things around me as I crouched low to the ground. How had I missed the scent of a deer? Then again my mind was overflowing with joy at the thought of getting Sophia back I needed her back I wanted her back.

Licking my lips I watched closely as the well aged buck walked slowly towards me his head held high showing off his 10 point rack as I eyed his flanks his hind quarters were large and meaty making my mouth water as he paused lowering his head to nibble on brush as I took my chance springing up at him my teeth latching onto his throat clamping down on his wind pipe blocking his air as he gave a gargled grunt  sound as I took him down his body thrashing as I jerked my head twice hearing a snap I dropped his neck his body twitching as I paused waiting for death to sink in as I moved to the stomach nudging as I sunk my teeth through its fur ripping and tearing it aside I peeled it away from the flesh till I was in the middle of it my muzzle deep in organs and blood as I found the liver eating in large chunks the taste of blood making my paws curl as I fed happily till I was full.

Pulling back I withdrew from my kill licking my muzzle clean as I looked around walking in a brisk pace as I shrunk to the ground when I reached the small garden, sniffing the ground the rich smell of Blake’s blood tickled my nose the lingering scent of Tanners as well. But I couldn’t smell Sophia growling in annoyance I lifted my head my ears perked as I listened closely to the forest the birds went silent as I trotted forward along the path following Tanners scent that lead me through brush that would have been difficult if I were in my human form.

Sniffing I paused when I glanced around it had brought me to the edge of a highway, had I been in such a deep thought that I forgot what I had been doing?

‘your back again’ pausing I moved away from the fox spirit that stood in front of me with a growl its body was puffed making it look bigger as it took a step towards me. ‘why are you back again?’ the voice echoed around me chilling my blood as I moved away.

Barking out I gave a little whine as it moved closer.

Backing away from it I turned and bolted. Wimpy? Yes because no wolf no matter what wanted to challenge someone like that. Growling under my breath as I found myself back near my car I shifted back into my human form. Picking up my folded clothes I shoved them on with a deep sigh as I ran my hands through my hair.

I followed his scent I found out nothing just the place were Blake had been struck into fear. Yet there was another scent I couldn’t place as I walked to my car. Getting in I reached for the keys under the seat and started up the car.

‘I will find you’ I whispered as I pulled out into the road drumming my fingers over the stirring wheel as I listened to the beat of “Let Love Bleed” by Sleeping with Sirens. I wanted Sophia by my side right now next to me talking to me chatting with me. Entertaining me with her little chatter. I wouldn’t mind if she talked a lot I wouldn’t mind if she stayed quiet. Just to be near her is enough for me. Sighing I pulled into Walmart’s driveway, parking I got out.

I planed on having Sophia home within the week and I needed to get my house in tip top shape for her. Walking I glanced around grabbing a cart as I walked to the freezer section.


I knew she liked pizza rolls, flaming hot chicken wings, the seasoned fries, the simple things but I also knew she liked to get creative and cook parmesan chicken and noodles, or Mongolian beef. Sighing as I put the items in the cart I went to the linen section. Checking the sheets and blankets I paused at the soft grey sheets and blanket set. Tossing it in the cart with the tiger fluff blanket with five pillows I went to the check out.

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