Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Sophia had just passed out, we had gotten back home three hours ago, but I knew she was pretty upset about Brents twisted joke. Huffing I slid out of our room and down the hall to trail it was 4 in the morning and everyone was asleep beside me it seemed as I flipped the lights on in the training room.

Sophia kept amazing me, each time I thought I would loose her to the bond between her and Zachary she’d prove me wrong.

Just maybe we could be together for as long as she wanted. But after all she was human and she isn’t built like a wolf or a half bred. For us we mate for life and I want to have Sophia as my mate but the only thing that made me so hesitant to fully marking her was the fact that she’s a human and they aren’t like us. They can have many loves, it was unlikely for them to have a mate for life.

I could just be a phase…I could just be one of the many males that she will love.

Pushing that thought away I started doing push ups till my arms burned and I was covered in sweat my breathing labored as the doors opened.

Not paying any attention to it I shifted to lay on my back to do crunches.

‘Tanner we have school in a couple of hours’ looking up at Dustin as he rubbed his eyes I gave a smirk. ‘don’t be so cocky you’ll be grouchy and none of us need to see your dark side anytime soon. So go back to bed.’

He ordered making me give a sharp laugh. But I couldn’t stop I had things on my mind that I  didn’t want to think about that I didn’t want to confront at the moment.

‘Sophia wont leave you’ he whispered to me making me stop. Sitting up I brushed the sweat from my forehead to raise an eyebrow at him. ‘she likes you a lot, loves you. She wouldn’t leave you she may not be a wolf but she was raised by them.’ He turned and left me there slightly alarmed.

‘but we don’t know that she’s human’ I whispered in a raw voice that broke at the end as I hung my head. ‘we don’t know if she’ll stay with us for long now she may want to but things could change when she realizes she’d never be able to have her own family’ I whispered as I held my face in my hands my knees close to my chest. I felt helpless with all this pent up emotions

I wanted to give into her and to take her, I wanted to share that bliss with her but I was afraid to. What if she chose to go back to her mate in the end? What if she chose to pack a bag an leave me here alone?


The morning light shined in the room as I slid into my boot cut dark blue jeans followed by a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt. Walking out the house I wondered around the yard looking up into the sky I loved the colors of the sun yellow and orange lit the sky in swirls

A howl pierced the air making me shiver in fear as I looked around. Trotting up to me a wolf with pants in his teeth dropping them he shifted revealing Ben. Keeping my eyes up he put the pants on and stretched. ‘a bit early to be walking around alone?’

Shrugging I gave a weak smile. ‘I’m just waiting for Tanner to wake up he’s well  I don’t think he got any sleep last night.’

Nodding he smiled. ‘o I see’

‘ya I think I’m going to let him sleep some more, I’ll just call Lex to give me a ride to school’ heading back to the house I went to our room. Opening the door slowly I found him still tangled in the sheets snoring softly.

From his intoxicating smell I knew he had been working out all night long. He had gotten back just before my alarm went off to tell me it was time to get up.

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