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So for all of you faithful readers who had the misfortune to read this at a earlier time and had to deal with alot errors I would now like to take the time to announce that the first editing has been finished. Now you may wonder why I say first edit, well simply because I am human and I miss things but this is one step closer to being really finished. But sense I just went through Chapters 11-35 I am going to take a break from this story and move on to The Secrets of Jericho where I may actually take it down and start all over again or just continue writing in the story. But I hope you have enjoyed this story! Please leave comments on your thoughts on the story as it would be appreciated greatly to know how I did sense I did write this in 2013 and one of the very first comments I got was how much it sounded like Twilight...but I still don't see how it does sound like Twilight when this focuses on Wolves and not the Vampires...and clearly does not have any Twilight themes in it besides the large wolves....Anyways, next up I am thinking on three stories please place a vote on which you want to see most. 

1. A twist ending of Secret Alpha {Life with Tanner, a twisting story of all their troubles. But what would happen if she had never met him? What if the pack's Luna never called him? Will Sophia ever know the reason why she cant talk to anyone? Will she ever learn to follow the rules Drake has given her? Or will her curious and longing to have interaction with humans cause her fate to be kicked out of the pack}

2. Nikko and Julia's story {Their struggle to having children becomes a tole after loosing six children, five still born, one miscarriage puts a heavy burden on the newly mated what happens when magic isnt there to solve the problem? What happens when you loose all hope?}

3. Jordan's life after Charlotte {The lose of his only child, and the ex girlfriend who lost her mind after going through the tough trail of loosing her child. Jordan finds himself questioning himself and his future for once in his life. He wants more but doesnt know what more he wants. So he takes up a offer to learn the black magic in order to find counter curses, but in doing so he looses himself to the darkness...who will be his light and save him from him self?}

4. Chloe's teenage life after she runs away {Running away from her families title, name, and responsibility to go over sea's to go to college  she finds herself falling in love with a married Vampire on the council. What will Chloe do as she flirts with fire? Will she ruin her good name for a fling or will she run from what is obviously dangerous?}

5. Melody and Jordans possible relationship {What happens when Melody falls in  Love with a Tanner, having to deal with his past forgotten mate, his deceased child, the mother of his child who has now gone clinically insane and unstable. How will innocent Melody deal with all this when she has just began to live her life? Will the small chance of love help her chose him? Or will the things in his past ruin her love? }

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