Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

:Tanner, Sophia

'PTSD?' I hissed out as I glanced at Sophia through the window watching as she walked in her wolf form around the back yard her fur standing on end ears low sniffing the air with weary but skeptical eyes. 'You mean to say that she's been traumatized?'

'that's what I'm saying' Nikko sighed softly with a frown. 'the fear of loosing her mate could have pushed her over the edge but I doubt that's it because she sensed you where ok. Its like something else got to her.' He whispered with a shake of his head. 'we could do testing's if that would help?'

Shake my head no with a groan as I ran my hand through my hair. My mate refused to talk even to me, or look me in the eyes. I missed my Sophia. Yes she was here breathing and walking around but she wasn't the same something was wrong with her. She didn't laugh, or talk or do anything frankly she was acting like a zombie or a in the moment here but not here. The lights are on but nobody is home sort of thing. And it hurt me to see her like this.

Could Bentleys attack had this much of a negative effect on her? To scare her into her self. To hid away from me. 'Sophia will heal in time and open up and be herself again.' He whispered to me.

Yes I know this you've told me multiple times before this but it hasn't changed. My mate wasn't acting like my mate. She hated my touch I knew she did the emotions that flashed through her eyes scared me like she didn't feel drawn to me anymore. I felt helpless. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to help her. I hated how I felt as I stood there watching her growl at something in front of her. She seen something that I couldn't her eyes narrowed as she bared her teeth. her body crouched lowed as if she were ready to attack the air.

Turning away sharply I rubbed my face pinching the bridge of my nose with a groan my hands shaking with another groan.


Laying on the floor with Sophia's wolf on top of me her paw on my throat putting enough pressure to restrict my breathing just a slight amount I watched her with alarm. Why'd she attack me? I'd done nothing to make her jump moving slowly into the room and to my dresser. Why was my mate looking down at me with cold eyes with a growl her hot breath fanned across my face tickling my skin, closing my eyes I let it happen. I could never fight back.

Feeling her paw leave my throat I sat up and looked into her wide eyes as she stumbled away as if something pushed her. Growling she went to lung again only this time I noticed how the scruff of her neck pulled back straining she snapped and growled paws clawing out to me but it was like someone was holding her back. Shaking from side to side she went limp and hit the floor with a whine. She kept herself there slightly rolled onto her back paws drawn into her stomach with a whimper. A clear submission pose


Alexander stood above me glaring his hands on his hips with a scowl on his face as he pointed a finger down at me. Shrinking back I gave a whimper. "BAD SOPHIA! I THOUGHT WE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" he hissed to me his lips still not moving but his body remained stiff as he squatted down and jabbed a finger into my side. Yelping I scooted away farther from Tanner with a growl at him. "Sophia keep your eyes on me damn it quit getting distracted"

"I told you she cant be in our world coexisting! Your destroying her life" mother threw her hands up as she appeared next to him with a disapproving look her arms crossed over her chest. "your going to be the death of her Alexander, Sophia is still alive she must be with the living"

"she is with the living" he shot back as he dragged himself to his full height.

"you know exactly what I mean Isabel cant be away from her mate much longer without going insane!" mother demanded.

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