Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

:Tanner/ Darcy

I could only assume that Nel gave him this number and I was confident that he couldn’t be tracking this number because I made it untraceable. The fact that he called me let me know he had accepted what I had shown him which meant  he could be on my side if this shit hit the fan which I hope it doesn’t because I don’t want to get Sophia mixed up in all this.  ‘What do I owe the honor of such a pleasure  Darcy?’

‘don’t be snide with me Hybrid.’ He growled out to me with a slight accent. Being a prince he wasnt use to being treated as such but I didn’t care about formalities.  ‘Or should I say Joel. Yes I know about you I did some research on you moments ago. Why did you take Sophia away?’ he answered with a deep growl.

‘its Tanner to you I don’t go by Joel anymore. And why should I tell you why I took the girl?’

‘is she ok?’ he asked with a sigh. ‘is Sophia ok there? She’s not getting picked on or anything right? Is she fine there?’ he demanded sounding like he was trying to sooth his wolf.  

‘she’s doing great here she’s liking it here.’ I answered with a smile. ‘she’s using my room for now sense she didn’t like the one I gave her, the men respect her because I warned them and the woman well they haven’t meet her yet but they will in time. We’re not as harsh as a pack to different people, we have humans here to so they understand her situation at the moment.’

‘good, and the video player you gave me’ he paused. ‘my sisters in it. why is my sister in that video why did you record that with my sister in it’ he demanded roughly.

‘Because she helped’  I answered with a simple sigh. I wasn’t going to go into details about how it had been his sisters idea to even record the interrogations. It had been her idea to go after those men. It had all been her plan not mine I could of cared less.

‘don’t lie to me my sister hates violence’ he whispered in a low voice in a vain attempt to deny what was in plain sight  

‘we never forced her to do things that she wasn’t comfortable in doing Darcy. She did everything on her own accord. I never once asked her to be in the room as I got the information out. She had requested to be in the rooms no one forced her’ I answered soberly.

‘I don’t understand why do they think you stole my sister if she’s there on her own accord. She wouldn’t just leave the palace for nothing she’s only been out a handful of times…’ he growled out to me.  giving a sigh I combed my hand through my hair this guy, was getting on my nerves with all these little questions.

‘because’ I paused to gather my thoughts. ‘because she knew there was no other way to be with her mate’

‘she would of told me.’ he growled in a snappy reply that almost scared me...almost.

‘she couldn’t when she knew you and your family would of rejected the idea of her being with the male. Sense she’s seen it happen before she didn’t want to go through that so she snuck out and met up with him. From there she was brought here to live with us.’ I answered with a heavy sigh. ‘she did what she thought was right to be with her mate, we never stole her I have-I mean we have no need for a princess.’

 ‘Annabel’ love and tenderness filled his voice. It was the name of his promised. The Princess of the South Kingdom that went missing eight years ago or so the legend said. ‘It wasn’t a rejection that happened. It was a lie her supposed mate had a witch put a spell on her to make her think that it was she never met her mate she never had a mate.’ he answered in a growl. ‘she was mine that’s why her parents made it happen, that and the fact that our union of marriage would of brought the two Kingdoms together.’

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