Chapter 15

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So i'm posting this story on two sites this and booksie, the one on booksie is doign good but not as good as on here...yet the people on booksie seem to be a little more then upset with the way the story is going...i understand not all will like how i make this story but isnt that the world? to each his own i dare say well anyways had to get that off my chest hope you like comment???? 

Chapter 15


My skin tingled all over as I leaned back in my chair as I kicked my legs up with a deep frustrated growl. Having Sophia do that to me did give me release but it made me want her even more now as I sat in my study mulling it all over.

‘you know brother if your to righteous of a man to give her what she wants I cold simply take your place’ looking at Jordan I gave a deep threatening growl making him flinch back while holding up his hands. ‘I’m just offering I can smell her musk from here.’ He answered with a sniff. ‘she smells good’

Growling I looked away from him. ‘don’t talk about Sophia like one of your hookers’

‘I’m not I’m just pointing it out she smells good I like her scent, if you hadn’t put your scent all over her I’d try to have a chance but your musk mingling with hers has half the humans walking on pins and needles even they can tell you put  you scent claim on her’

Looking away I rolled my shoulders. ‘I hadn’t thought about what I was doing while I was doing it’ I answered slowly with a deep sigh as I glanced at him.

‘Nikko chose to stay in one of the rooms to study her’ he announced as he propped himself against the door. ‘he says the spell on her isn’t just an ancient spell is something of royalty’ blinking I smirked.

‘I know this brother’ sighing I tossed him a file I had. ‘take a look at it’

Glancing through it his eyes widened. ‘you mean that she-?’ he stopped himself from speaking the word with wide eyes. ‘that cant be then that would mean that he-?’again he paused as he licked his lips. ‘someone is on our lands’ the door slid open as he disappeared in a puff of smoke making me almost chuckle as I looked at Ben.


Blinking he stepped in and closed the door behind him with a shaky hand as he leaned against it for support. ‘I don’t know how to explain.’ He muttered softly as he squeezed his eyes shut. ‘Sophia got hurt’

Standing up I walked up to him and grabbed him by his throat my fingers curled around his thick neck as he looked at me with wide eyes. ‘what do you mean Sophia got hurt? I left her in my room’

‘one of the new people hadn’t heard your threat…they…they got into the room’ he whispered out in a shaky voice.

‘what happened to her?!’ I pulled him back slightly only to slam his head into the door again. Flinching his head bumped off. ‘what happened to Sophia?!’

‘she’s fine, Someone saved her we didn’t see who because she hadn’t see them she only said that they made the person go away we cant find the new bee Tanner he went missing’ surging past him I found myself in my room panting my hands shaking as I threw the door open. Glancing around I inhaled deeply.

‘She’s fine’ glancing at Jordan I let out a sigh of relief. ‘I got here in time to get rid of him, his body is already taken care of’ he announced with a roll of his shoulders. ‘he wasn’t able to do anything to her just scared her a bit’ nodding I felt my anger slowly dissipate as I looked at him

‘Were is she?’ he pointed to the bathroom.

‘she wont come out unless its you I told her to lock herself in here till I brought you back’ nodding I walked to the door and knocked. She didn’t answer me right away but I heard her shift around slowly.

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