Chapter 24

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*INFO update…*

:Cecilia: aka @unknown@ persons daughter who was killed in the battle in chapter 21-22? I’m not sure lol…

:Sophia has had a spell up on her that takes the memories of a dead person and plants them in a living body *in this case Cecilia’s memories are now in Sophia*

:with that said this means that Sophia doesn’t have her old memories of her life, she is now a shell who houses Cecilia’s memories. *sniff sniff*

:if you still don’t understand the three top this means no memories of Tanner…*wails its okay Tanner we still love you and remember you!!! *  or any one for that matter

:so here it is @unknown@ is still unnamed because 1 I don’t know what I want to name him yet and 2 its because his past has a important part in the Tanner’s life. I was wondering if any of you have a name for me to use!! Put your ideas of names in your comments please!! I need a name…and I cant find one I like…

*o and one more thing if you haven’t noticed the Unknown people that attacked Tanners house…ya their hunters!!!*

Chapter 24

: Cecilia/ Zachary/Tanner

The cold hard steel of the blade clanged against my opponents jumping back I gave a growl of anger as I lunged again bring the blade down with all my strength the opponents sword gave breaking in two as I jabbed up with my right knee in the stomach making them stumble back coughing as I quickly dropped knocking their feet out from under them I shot back up delivering a final blow to the back of the neck hear the crack I jumped back and rolled my shoulders as I looked over at father. ‘again’ he commanded as the limp body of the wolf stood. The silver necklace around its neck was burning its skin as it was given another sword.

I felt no mercy to the beast, this monster. I was placed in this world to kill these things this vermin.


Panting I pushed my bangs aside as I glanced at father for approval. Smiling at me he beckoned me to him. Walking to him with my head high he cupped my cheek in his face. ‘you are doing well Cecilia soon you will make father proud’ giving me a soft kiss on the forehead he turned and left me in the training room alone with a bleeding wolf at my feet half changed.

Kicking it in the side I sent it rolling to its side with a moan as I looked into its distorted face. Trailing after father I stayed close to his side my hand on the hilt of my sword. ‘father?’

‘yes?’ he grunted as he glanced at me.

‘the men from the field they were not all vermin were they father?’

Shaking his head he sighed. ‘no dear they were not all the vermin we seek to kill, they were humans who love the vermin. They are no better then those beasts we kill so they must die to.’

Nodding I licked my lips. ‘I am ready father.’

‘you’ve been training for three days. Do you not think you need more time?’ shaking my head I clutched the hilt tighter in my grasp.

‘I can do it father I know I can.’

‘ I have faith in you but more time my child is needed for you’  he whispered to me. ‘go to sleep you’ve been training a long time’

Slipping into my room I went into the bathroom and stripped down into nothing as I turned the shower on. Adjusting the water temp I hopped in groaning in pleasure as the waves of warm water ran over my bare skin my hair falling over my shoulders as I grabbed the shampoo squirting some into my hand I lathered it into my hair watching the suds slid down my breasts as I trailed my hands over my body with a wash cloth and soap scrubbing myself clean of the vermin’s scent and blood. Turning the shower off after all the soap was gone I grabbed a towel and dried off my body was accustomed to the training by now but it ached slightly from something unknown as I slid into my bed the cool sheets raising goose bumps over my skin

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