Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


Glancing down at the girl sleeping in my arms I gave a miserable sigh. Cecilia’s memories were in her body making her love me but she didn’t have my Cecilia’s body. This girl was more developed.

I will admit it was a improve to the original Cecilia but I missed my wife. Her slim curves, her small high set breasts, her small pink lips, her bright green eyes that were surrounded by dark thick eye lashes, her pale skin framed by golden locks of blond hair. This girl was the exact opposite  grey eyes dark brown hair, curvy body more curves then my Cecilia had.

   Groaning her eyes fluttered open with a small smile. ‘Bent’ she curled closer with a yawn. ‘how’d you end up in my bed?’   

‘you  mean how’d you get in my bed’ I smirked at her. Blinking she looked around rubbing the sleep from her eyes. As she did I took the time to take in her sleepy self the Tang top she had on was half off exposing her cleavage.

‘you brought me here?’ she glanced back at me.

Nodding I pulled her back down to me.

‘your still not getting any’ she pointed at me. Smirking I rolled my eyes and kissed her.    I could get use to Cecilia with tits and an ass…and her lips…looked so kissable. Pushing me away she laughed. ‘o no you don’t I’m still mad at you’ I nodded.

‘that’s ok at least I can hold you’ settling back down I kept my arms around her.

‘I’m still mad’

‘look I told you I didn’t want you to go and you did anyway you never listen to me’ I answered softly the same answer I’d been giving to her for a while now every time he brought her back she had different memories from different times. I knew we had just broken up in her eyes because she had almost got herself killed. ‘can you blame me for being mad?’

‘look it was just a job’ she answered with a roll of her eyes.

‘a job that almost got you killed’ I answered through clenched teeth as I pinned her to the bed gathering her wrists in my hand I held them above her head. ‘stop talking about it your starting to piss me off even more and I was starting to forget it. then you went and brought it up again.’

Blinking she gave a whine as she struggled against my hold. ‘you’re a jerk’

‘and you’re a bitch’ glaring she snorted.

‘dick face’

‘cunt licker’ I shot back making her narrow her eyes.

‘Cum guzzler’ ok she got me this time and but the look in her eyes I knew she knew she got me.

‘damn it babe you know that one always stumps me’ I gave a whine but gave her a kiss when she puckered her lips to me.

‘your still a cum guzzler’ she muttered against my lips.


She was kissing him, Bentley but from the look in her eyes and her sense of thought I knew it wasn’t really Sophia acting out what they were doing. Just kissing but still it hurt. Walking into the training room I found Tanner pushing 500 his face was red his body sweaty he’d been in here for a whole day. Shit I really upset him.

I came to tell him what I could see but I decided not to. If it tore me up I knew it would hurt him more. Turning on my heels I left him there benching. Rubbing my chest I have a deep little groan as I found myself in my room, not my room his house I’m just a guest. Darcy was here to but he never slept damn that man. Lex and Evan was here to Sophia’s friends. We were all looking for her taking turns with the searches. Right now it was theirs if they caught on to anything they would call us and tell us were they were.     

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