Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


‘time to get up schools in a hour’ Tanner whispered into my ear as he shaked me gently.

Groaning I pushed his hands away from me. ‘no I don’t want to go’ it was day three of this. I hadn’t been to school sense the first day when Zachary took me.

The fear of going back kept me in bed. I didn’t want to go back to him when he had tried to come onto me even when I was so against it. He scared me his lust for me scared me why couldn’t he shower it on Yuki or Penelope like before? Yes I was willing to have him cheat on me to keep away from me. I didn’t want him to touch me I didn’t want him to be near me.

I was Tanner’s now not his. I wanted our bond as mates to be broken and I wanted to live my life with Tanner by my side.

It saddened me to know that I would die and he would live longer. But it comforted me to know he was willing to stand by my side as I aged.  ‘you cant stay in bed for ever’

‘I don’t plan to I have to take a shower, but no school I want to stay here with you’ I pulled him down to me wrapping my arms around him till I was arched up to press my lips to his. ‘please?’

Groaning I smiled when his full weight settled on me his lips teasing mine brushing against mine slowly only to pull back to brush them against mine again. Giving a startled little gasp when he nibbled on my bottom lip my toes curled as pleasure bloomed in me warming my skin as my breathing increased as I slid my fingers in his hair giving it a little tug I arched my hips up pushing into him the sheets tangled around me. I was cursing them I didn’t want them between us I wanted to feel his skin against mine the rough material of his jeans brushing against the sensitive skin of my thighs I wanted to feel  him against me.

‘please Tanner?’

‘your doing this to tease me’ he gave a little whine when I slid my hands down his back cupping his butt in my hands I gave a rough squeeze making him groan out in pleasure against my lips as I slid my hands under his shirt pushing up I managed to get his shirt off as he lifted himself up off of me. ‘Sophia you know this isn’t gonna happen’ he whispered when I unbuckled his pants.

I wanted him I wanted him so bad and I gave a growl at him when he said that because I wouldn’t be rejected today. ‘But it can, make me yours’ I answered softly as I kissed his neck. Shivering under my lips I gave a smile.

‘Sophia, if you don’t stop-theres no turning back’ it wasn’t a acceptance but it wasn’t a rejection either.

‘I know, I’m ready Tanner.’

Kissing me he cupped my face in his hands his eyes were so gentle. ‘I love you so much  it almost hurts, I want to give you what you want I want to lay the world at your feet but we cant not today sweetheart’

Whimpering he gave me a kiss his lips tasted sweet and made me light headed.

‘soon though so you will have what you want, but you must be patience with me’ he whispered as he pulled back his sweet breath blew against my face as I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. ‘Isnt being near me like this enough for you a the moment?’

I nodded as I opened my eyes. ‘I want you’

‘and I want you but we cant at the moment once things settle down and your safe we can.’ He answered as he rolled off pulling me with him I cuddled into his chest. ‘but you must go to school’


‘if you go to school’ he began as he twirled a strand of hair around his finger. ‘I’ll give you what you desire’

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