Chapter 23

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**Info**please read first before continuing on**

Q; Ok so there it is some people asked who is there?

A: hunters, {ex. The man that was going to attack Sophia before Zachary stepped in at the school…ya that was a hunter}

**and just as a heads up I am introducing a new character to this book. Now I’m not giving the name because *hint hint, cough, cough* because its an important part in this whole story!! So just remember this @unknown@ person is going to be in this story for a while now.**

**ok so I also wanted to add…that Jordan knew something would go wrong hence why he showed Sophia the passage way out of the house to ensure her safety. But he didn’t think that anyone would be around that area thus the reason he told Sophia about it**

^^^ok so im done stalling…you can read not but wanted to apologize for chapter 22 I was out of it totally like coughing up a lung…feeling like I would die because I got the flu or some shit but hell I wrote that chapter cuz of you my readers so ya I’ll fix it up later? If I don’t get sick again today don’t feel all that swell and I have to fill in bubbles for a test…I HATE bubbles they get so confusing…^^^


Chapter 23


My muscles clenched as a howl erupted through the air that stilled my movements as I looked over as a wolf came trotting up a familiar scent of blood tickled my nose as Zachary glanced at me. it was like everyone had stopped fighting as the large wolf trotted up towards us dropping the body that was clenched between its teeth Sophia rolled over her hair covering her face. Giving me a cocky grin the wolf picked her back up holding her between his teeth as he winked at us both. She wasn’t moving I couldn’t tell if she was breathing panic filled me as it slowly changed into something darker…something more.

Rage filled me as I lunged only to be confronted with a small human hunter. My blade sliced through their mid stomach as I slid it up guiding it with a twist as he screamed in pain. Throwing the body aside Zachary caught me off guard when he shoved his head between my legs and took off running after the wolf in a dead sprint. Flattening against his back I held a fist full of fur in my hand as I watched my eyes scanning through the trees catching her scent Zachary began to run again only to jump back when a bomb went of sending us flying catching myself I squatted and caught Zachary as he shifted back into his human.

Standing he was breathing heavy as I let my eyes scan over the area. ‘that wolf wasn’t from my pack’ he ground out as he sent me a glanced.

‘nor from my men’ I answered as I rolled my shoulders. ‘follow my steps.’ I warned as I scanned the ground. As a tracker I could easily sense and tell the differences of the ground and were a bomb was and I easily avoided them leading Zachary and I after the wolf that had our woman. I knew he was just as pissed as I was, for now we were allies but when everything settled I knew it would go back to the same as before this all happened. ‘clear’ I grunted out as I broke out into a run easily gliding across the ground.

A strangled yowl came from ahead as my heart began to race as I felt Zachary running along side me glancing at him I grabbed a handful of his fur and slid myself onto him mid sprint. Picking up speed he carried us to the wolf. Sophia was laying motionless near a tree and Jordan stood there with bloody hands a curled smile on his lips as he licked his fingers.

Sick bastard always did find pleasure in blood.

Growling the wolf stood shaking it head it glanced between us before lunging at Zachary jumping off I landed behind him turning on my heels I slashed my blade catching its hind leg slicing through its fur and skin blood seeped out as it turned and snapped at me. its head knocked into my side as it sent me flying back. Catching myself I glanced at Jordan as he lunged again only to miss. Glancing around for Zachary I found his motionless body feet away from Sophia his hand reached out. He was breathing but he wasn’t moving. Growling I clenched my teeth as I lunged only to have Jordan chucked at me catching him I fell back from the force of his body hitting into mine.

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