Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

: Zachary/Sophia

The bloody note that was in my hand earned a growl. How could Blake of all people fail me?! Crumpling the note I rubbed my face as a stab to my chest stole my breath away as I sucked in a shaky breath.

Everything went numb as I felt myself slipping out of my body and into what I now call hell as I took in the sight of Sophia under his body. Anger filled me as I watched her lovingly touch his cheek as she looked up at him with compassionate  eyes.   Agony consumed me as she kissed him her lips pressing against his. Trying to look away was useless as I watched with a miserable groan that they couldn’t hear. Watching her kiss him and trail her hands down his back I flinched when she gave his ass a squeeze this was all wrong this wasn’t suppose to be happening that was my mate that was my Sophia not his. She was mine she IS mine! He will pay for touching her.

Growling I watched in pain as my breath was stolen away as I watched her take his shirt off pushing it up his back reveling the toned skin of his back as she dragged her nails along the skin leaving four red marks as she kissed his neck. My heart felt as if someone was gripping it in their hands. Hers to be exact as she kissed him licking his neck with the tip of her tongue as I started to cough my breath coming in short little pants as I watched with watery eyes.

My little mate was there worshiping his body as if he was her mate as if he was the only man in her life as she arched her neck up allowing him access as he suckled on her neck my stomach lurched as I watched I wanted to look away I didn’t want to see her I didn’t want to see this but I knew karma was kicking me in the ass.

She had witnessed me and Bonnie, Yuki and Penelope but now she was making me witness her and that man. I hated how his hands trailed over her lush breasts my skin was on fire and it wasn’t in a good way my heart ached as I felt as if I was being cooked from the inside out.

Why did I have to witness this? Was it not enough to know my mate was in the bed of another man? Looking away with tears in my eyes I let out a sigh of relief.   

‘Tanner!’ I felt that accursed draw of this hell forcing me to look back as his lips latched onto her rosy nipple moaning out in pain I squeezed my eyes shut as Tallon howled out in protest as he begged to be left alone to have this all go away.


Blinking I looked away with shaking hands as I looked up at Blake. Clearing my throat I looked around curiously. Had I been returned to my body? ‘you failed me Blake’ coughing I looked at his chest.

‘the hybrid was stronger than I had first thought he would be’ he answered in a shaking voice. Covering my face I gave a groan.

‘so you weren’t able to get Sophia?’

‘no he had her wear a scent blocker so I couldn’t trace her anywhere I found a trace but it disappeared’     he answered as he cleared his throat.

‘how much will it cost me to have you try  again’

Scoffing he looked away. ‘if I couldn’t get him a first time I cant get him a second time I’m not the man for this job get another for the job’ he answered as he turned on his heels and went to leave.

‘very well have the pack doctor stitch you up’ I ordered with a groan as I leaned back in my chair pushing back I rolled my shoulders as I stood up. Walking out of the study I went to my cold empty bed. Falling into it face first I curled up into it with a whimper of loss. Why hadn’t Sophia come back yet? Why was she doing things with that man? Was her mate not good enough?


Kissing Tanner was almost something that sent fire through my veins sparking need as I dug my nails into his back making him whimper against my lips as our tongues battled for dominance. As always I submitted under him letting him take control as his hips bucked into me pushing his bulge against my woman hood making me want him as he cupped my breasts in his hands as I squeezed his butt in my hands making him growl in pleasure . Pulling away from me he stumbled away from the bed shaking his head with a deep groan.

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