Chapter 25

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***so the reader from Booksie user: CamarmellaKiss gave me the idea to use the name Blade for @unknown@ character so i figured sense i 1:love that name and 2: think it fits the person well i chose that name so from now on @unknown@ is now going by Blade

*** another thing some people whined about the new charcter Cecilia i promise things will go back to just hang in and please continue to read :) 


Chapter 25


My eyes locked on the three of them as I looked at Cecilia. Smiling I pointed to them. ‘do you see those men?’ she nodded.

‘yes father the three? But what of the fourth one?’  she asked curiously her brows knitted together. ‘father?’

‘he’s another one dear kill them for me’ she nodded with her hand tight on her hilt. ‘but not today’ holding her hand I turned us away and walked away  ‘come now child lets go back home let them deal with the mutts’

Nodding she tightened her hold on my hand. Glancing down at our hands I gave a small smile. The gift of planted memories my dear daughter Cecilia would be proud to be serving me like this. ‘father?’

Grunting in response I looked down at her.

‘that man with the three men’ she whispered with a frown. ‘he found our home, but left in a puff of smoke’ stiffening she glanced up at me. ‘is something wrong?’

Shaking it off I shrugged. ‘not at all go on ahead of me sweetheart’  giving her a kiss on the forehead I glanced around and sighed. ‘Jordan my you haven’t changed in the least.’ I smirked as he stepped out his eyes cold as he watched me curiously.

‘Same for you, I thought you were dead’

‘I guess you thought wrong’ I chuckled with a smirk. ‘so niave to think someone like you could take me down a filthy half-bred.’

‘your killing your own kind. You’re a traitor’ he snarled through clenched teeth.

‘My kind?’ I snorted. ‘my kind have screwed me over time and time again, I will exterminate your kind from the face of this earth. Filthy vermin.’


His movements the way he spoke it was all the same as I remembered him to be. He was cocky but not to long ago he was at the end of my sword. Tasting the steal of my blade slicing through his skin. Cursing under my breath I clenched my hands.


With a snap of a whip he fell to his knees his skin was torn and bleeding. Smirking to myself I walked towards him my body moving with grace as I kicked him in the chin my hands were in my pockets as I planted my weight on my one foot that was on his chest slowly putting pressure restricting his breathing. Smirking I squatted down keeping my foot on his chest as I pulled out the silver blade in my belt. I watched his reaction of pain as I dragged the tip across his chest tearing his shirt leaving a trail of blood that sizzled from the reaction of the poison on the blade.

‘Silver, and garlic salt’ I muttered softly to him. ‘the silver because you’re a wolf, the garlic because it burns because of the salt in it. It could leave a scare if you were to survive that is not saying you will by the time I’m done with you, you will be dead.’

Coughing he snapped up at me his teeth gleamed up at me with a red hint to them. ‘You will pay for this’


‘daydreaming will get you killed Jordan’ looking at him I rolled my eyes as his blade slid under my throat his hot breath tickling the back of my neck he was the same height as me. rolling my shoulders the gun I had already positioned under my arm pointed to his stomach. ‘ah always a step ahead’ he held the sharp blade away from my neck as he moved away from me as I slowly let off the trigger.

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