Chapter 20

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so wanted to say sorry for the wait havent had wifi for three ive been writing which is good because the story is coming out as i plannned...though i added my notebook of notes for this story is getting bigger...hmmm idk how long this will actualy long should this book go? 30 pgs? or is that to short...or 40? which gives me time to write more...jw***************************$kittle$******************************************************************

Chapter 20


The snow is cold as it fell down on me sprinkling the ground. Her hand slid into mine holding tight making  me give a content little sigh as I glanced down at her. She was shivering her lips almost blue and her cheeks a rosy red. Shrugging out of my coat I wrapped mine around her shoulders and zipped it up without a word.

Her warmth and safety was all I cared about me I could care less about. ‘Ary you’ll get cold’ she muttered in protest as she went to unzip the coat.

Stopping her I stilled her hands. ‘no I’m fine’ I answered to her as I gave her a kiss on the forehead making her smile.

‘one day we’ll be like mom and dad right?’

I nodded as I slid my arm around her. ‘ya one day when we’re older.’

‘but we are older. I’m five now and your 11’ she pouted sticking out her bottom lip making me grin at her.

‘I know we are but we have to be older, the right age for us is when you turn 10 you have a while’ I pointed out, our kind married young and now all we had to do was wait to turn out like mom and dad. She wanted to be close like them she wanted us to be like that. And I agreed totally.

My wolf Tallon told me everything, after I was taken from home by uncle I changed when he first bit me. He had changed me well I thought he did mom said it was because of the stress that my wolf was under that made him come out to early. But I think it was his bit.

‘Big brother?’ I grunted as I looked into her eyes those big orbs made my heart quench and Tallon didn’t seem to mind how close we were like  the rest. Though he was intently looking for my mate. ‘what happens if you find your mate?’

‘we’ll be together’


Blinking I looked up at the ceiling panting. That dream, I hadn’t had that dream in over 5 years… rolling over in bed I gave a huff. I had seen Sophia today and it made Tallon happy to see her. Though I hadn’t been able to say anything to her worth while I was able to see her.

I knew she hadn’t liked seeing me at her school and I knew her friend Lex hated me. Though I couldn’t figure out why she did I mean I hadn’t done anything to her. But I made an acquaintance at the school someone they wouldn’t likely expect to be someone to help me get Sophia back.

Sighing heavily I closed my eyes again and tried to sleep  I had to wake up early tomorrow for school I planed on getting closer to Sophia even though I hated to see how so many of our class mates took an interest in her.

‘Zachary’ grunting I opened my eyes and sat up straight.


She nodded as she took a step closer her eyes trailing over the room then back to me. ‘yes’

‘what are you doing here?’ I asked in alarm I knew I had locked the door…and how had she slipped past my many guards.

‘I thought this was my home’ she said sarcastically with a puff. ‘I came to tell you that you need to leave’ blinking I looked at her with wide eyes. ‘I don’t need you at my school you’ve done enough your complicating things’ she whispered.

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