Epilogue!!! THE END

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Rocking Sophia in my arms her head nestled into my neck, the tickle of her soft breath as she gave a little groan of discomfort almost slipping from my lap, her arms around me tightened just as mine pulled her closer. Lifting her head she looked up into my eyes with a small smile. "A moment to ourselves" she whispered as she leaned up adjusting herself as she brought her lips to mine.

"What? Getting tired of all the party's?" I asked playfully. 

She sighed and shook her head. "It's hard now that Darcy has handed me my Kingdome back" She spoke softly this being the first time she had called it as such. "It's been my birthright but with me gone-" she sighed her face darkening with gloom. 

A look I was more then familiar with these past five years sense she had came back to me. She had been a shell of the girl I had fallen in love with, had been distant to me to the point of worry as she had gave up on life. But now she was back and trying to live. A part of living was accepting her title. 

"I don't want to be the Queen" She whispered in a mellow voice. 

"I know this" I cupped her cheek in my hand. "But your people need you, Darcy knew this which is why he gave it back to you. You are their Queen" I pulled her closer and rested my forehead to hers. "I will be by your side through it all, you will never be alone" I promised as I sealed it with a tender kiss.

"Mommy?" A soft voice called out as the door pushed open. "Mommy" 

Sophia grinned as she shifted to look. I sighed our alone time was over, thanks a lot Lex I thought bitterly for a moment but felt my heart swell as the child ran to us and crawled onto Sophia's lap . 

"Mommy I missed you" She whispered softly little fangs peeking out from under her lips.

"She is not your mommy" Lex growled as she stomped in with narrowed eyes. "I am I birthed you" Lex reminded. 

Climbing off Chloe shrugged as she thought for a moment before skipping back to her mother's side. "Your mommy number two"

"I am your first mommy" Lex grumbled. "Thanks for stealing my kid" 

Sophia laughed as she stood and poked her tongue out at Lex. "Your just jealous because she loves me more then you" she taunted.

"Now, now ladies" Evan came  in with laughter in his eyes he tipped his head to me. "No need to fight, you both know Chloe loves you both very much" he spoke as the girls continued to scowl at each other he rolled his eyes at me before touching Lex's back tenderly. 

Sophia stood bickering with her friend one hand on the swell of her belly as she stroked in circles not realizing her actions as she settled.

Lex squatted and touched her belly before looking up at her. "Soon your on bed rest right?" she asked as she rubbed Sophia's swollen belly, "Or will you shift?" 

"Bed rest, as well as shifting" Sophia spoke softly with a sigh. "Nikko said it would be best because in my wolf form the child stands a good chance of surviving. " Her brows furrowed. "Nikko is still deciding which would work best in the interest of the child and me" she swallowed hard as tears formed. "Jem would have turned five today" 

And it finally hit, I knew today was a hard day for her. Having waited to see if she would have a break down it had finally came as Sophia sniffled and tears fell freely at the thought of our first child that had pasted. 

"Honey" Lex shot up  and hugged Sophia tightly. "I know its hard but he's in a better place now. You shouldn't stress its not good for either of you, this little one needs you to be strong" She whispered. "Nikko found a spell to help you guys have your rainbow baby"

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