Chapter 9

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* after noticing alot of errors I've come to the conclusion that i will be editing when this is all done because its only the small things so i figured i'd so it afterwards so i don't end up forgetting my plans for this story hope you like it:) please vote and comment*************tonia******************************

:Tanner/ Sophia

Groaning I went to move. But I found it hard to move as I felt something on me shift with me, with a groan that made me jump. My eyes snapped open as I looked at Sophia’s sleeping face. Glancing down at us I realized our bodies had found each other during the night. Her body nestled right on top of mine with her arms curled to her chest as she gave a yawn. Rolling off she kept her back to my side.

Letting out my breath I smiled. It was nice to wake up to someone by my side. Rolling onto my side I slid my arm around her pulling her to my chest. She didn’t protest. But maybe it was because she was brain dead at the moment giving a cute little snore she squirmed till I could barely hold myself still.

I wanted to let her go right away because I didn’t want to scare her with my problem. But I knew if I let her go and moved away she’d wake up and freak out.

Groaning I stayed perfectly still as she turned to face me still sleeping.

‘Tanner you smell good’ she muttered with closed eyes her words slurred. ‘I’m going to be late for school’

Raising an eyebrow I waited for her eyes to open. But they never did instead she groaned and pressed her face into my chest.

‘Zachary?’ she groaned suddenly with a whimper. Feeling a sting from that I rolled away from her and got out of bed. Going to the bathroom I locked the door  having the need to relieve myself. Flushing the toilet I pulled the rest of my clothes off and hopped in the shower.

I knew her mate would always be on her mind in one way or another but I couldn’t explain why it hurt to hear her whimper his name out. Sighing I ran my hands through my hair with a deep growl.

‘Tanner I have to pee’ hearing her voice I shut the water off and stepped out. Wrapping a towel around my waist I unlocked the door and stepped out letting her in I slid in past her. ‘thanks’ closing the door I dried off and dropped the towel. Pulling out a fresh set of clothes I slid into them. Adjusting the string to the sweats I rolled my shoulders as I pushed the sleeves to my up to my elbows. She walked to the bed and fell right on it making the mattress creak under her sudden weight

‘Sophia?’ moaning she peeked up at me. ‘Are you ok?’

‘I don’t feel good’ she muttered as she curled up onto her side. ‘whys it so cold in here’ frowning I walked to her and sat next to her. Touching her forehead I found it cold to the touch.

‘comere’ pulling her onto my lap she curled up into a tight ball her body shaking slightly as she clung close.

‘your so warm’ she muttered as she cuddled closer.

‘not really’ shaking her head I pulled the blankets up around her as I cradled her. Groaning she gave a shudder when I went to lay her down. ‘I’m going to go get our doctor to come look at you ok?’ whimpering her lips quivered. ‘I’ll be right back.’


Walking back into the room with Ben behind me I opened the door and showed him in. Finding Sophia over the vent with all the blankets and pillows around her. ‘Sophia?’ looking up at me she grunted. ‘I don’t know whats wrong with her she was ok last night. But just a while ago she was shaking and complaining  that she wasn’t feeling good’

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