Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

: Sophia/Tanner

Twisting around in the sheets my hips pushed up off the bed with a little moan I tugged on his hair whimpering in need as I met his thrusts. The thin material of my underwear began to tear as he hooked a finger through the material till it split at one hem. His lips tasted my own mouth tangling his hands back into my hair he held me in a captivated kiss our tongues darting in and out of each other’s mouth in a erotic manor as he teased at me touching the tip of my tongue with his as he quickly pulled back to kiss the side of my lips making me tremble against him as I moaned out his name. Looking deep into Tanners eyes I gave a little content sigh as he lifted his chest off of me holding himself up with one arm the other supporting my back as he leaned down and trailed his lips over my neck.

Sending little tremors down my spine as I arched up my head tipped back all the way as I leaned up into his creases his lips felt amazing the warmth and light feather like kisses he pressed on me had me panting for breath as I clutched his arm whimpering for more.

I couldn’t find my voice as he flicked his tongue over the curve of my breast. Glancing up at me I nodded slowly as he quickly unclasped the back of my bra with two fingers. Sliding it over my shoulder he kissed his way across my shoulder blade as my head rolled from side to side. Pleasure filled me as I became wet between my legs. Blushing I bit my lip as he slid my bra off. I wanted to cover myself as he looked down at me with wide eyes.

Did he think I was unattractive now that he seen me naked? Did I not please him?

As if he knew what I was thinking he leaned down and flicked his tongue over my rosy nipple making me jerk up into him with a whimper my legs trembled as his lips locked around the hardening nipple till it almost hurt. His teeth teasing at me sending tremors through me as I cried out in pleasure.


Growling against my breast I shyly touched the top of his head my hand shaking violently as he lowered me to the mattress again settling on me his body arched over me his lips leaving a warm along the pathway as he worked his way back up. ‘Yes Sophia?’ looking at his lips I leaned up entangling his lips with mine he gave a deep growl.

‘please Tanner’ I wanted to feel his hands, suddenly things I usually didn’t know about just came to me as I trailed my hands shamelessly over his body as he did mine taking care to memorized each muscle as it clenched under my finger tips. Trailing my hand down his stomach I glanced at him his smoldering brown eyes that reminded me of a creamy chocolate,  making me want to just stare at him. Instead I hesitantly cupped his member feeling how large it was I gave a shaky nervous laugh as he gave a deep growl.

‘Sophia’ his voice was pained coming out hoarse.

‘Am I doing it wrong?’ I asked innocently as I slid my hand up his member back to his stomach.

‘No, you’re doing it just right.’ He whispered softly as he rolled off.

Touching him again I slowly slid over him my hand between us as I rubbed my hand up his member.  His hips jerked up almost tossing me off of him with the force as I wrapped my fingers around it. Biting my lip I began to stroke his member through his pants his hips arched up as he shoved my hand away.

‘Kiss me’

Obeying his command I leaned down to him brushing my lips over him I gave a little yelp as he rolled back onto me his hips pressed against me as I cocked my legs open wrapping them around him I let out a little moan as his hand slid between us. Rubbing his hand over the front of my underwear I gave a little whimper as his thumb slid over the lips of my woman hood. Just his touch brought shiver to my body as I kissed him. I wanted him; I wanted him to make love to me as he told me he would one day. Today was the day.

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