Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

:Zachary/ Tanner

The scent of a hybrid was heavy in the air as I inhaled deeply catching Sophia’s scent mingling with the hybrid I shot to my feet as I found myself out of the house walking down the pathway facing the male who was cradling my mate in his arms. Holding myself stiffly trying to control my temper as I looked her over she looked ill and her breathing was to slow for normal even for her to be asleep. ‘what did you do to her?’ I demanded in a shaky voice as fear clutched me. my soul was on the line as I watched my little mate closely.

Watching the male flinch he looked at me with hateful eyes as he held her tighter to his chest her head lolling to the side resting on his shoulder. ‘what did I do to her? What did I do to her?!’ his voice was outraged and pitched as she growled at me flashing his large growing incisors as he glared at me. ‘you did this to her you put her through hell sense she’s been at my home’ so this was the Tanner? The one that kissed my mate rage filled me I wanted his death I wanted his warm blood on my hands as I watched him. ‘She knows about Bonnie, each time you take a woman you were affecting Sophia making her feel lower then low’ he answered with a shaky breath as my heart ached as Tallon howled out in pain as he felt sorrow of knowing I hurt his mate with my actions. ‘its because of you that she’s like this’ he pressed a kiss on her chapped pale lips

Pain filled my stomach as I watched my hands clenched as I gave a strangled whimper of pain on the inside I had to be strong for Sophia I would get her back in my arms. She would forgive she had to forgive me we were mates. I loved her! ‘don’t touch my mate’ I hissed out pronouncing each word using my Alpha to put a threatening vibe in my voice.

Yet he showed no fear as he boldly smiled at me as he pressed another kiss to her lips. My vision blurred my muscles strained to hold up my weight as I threatened to crumble to my feet as I watched her. She began to shake her head lifted slightly as she looked into his eyes her body still shaking as my hands trembled.

I longed to reach out and touch her to close the gap between us and to kiss her. She was my mate and he was touching what was mine! Yet I couldn’t find the words to object as everything began to get blotted out.

‘Tanner?’ her voice came out hoarse and soft as if she hadn’t been talking in a while as my heart broke in two as she wrapped her arms around Tanners neck a little sob filled the air making Tallon whimper and whine in pain as he curled into a ball in e. ‘I seen it Tanner, I seen it’ she whimpered out. How I longed to comfort her my legs held me there making me stand there watching listening to her as she cried to him and held him tight. ‘he was with her’ she whimpered out in a shaky voice that broke my heart as I opened my mouth to object no words came out ‘I cant stand it, I cant make it stop make it stop.’  She begged him.

Finding my voice I whispered her name. ‘Sophia’ her body went stiff in his arms a shuddered ran down her spine she didn’t turn to me she didn’t look at me as she glanced at me finally after a while with wide eyes.

‘tanner what am I doing here?’

Watching him give a little sigh he kissed her forehead my heart ached as she leaned into his touch as he went to speak. ‘I had to bring you here because you’ve been asleep for a very long time, I wanted you back Sophia’ he gave a deep sigh while nuzzling her neck. Pain twisted my heart stealing my breath away as I found my strength to surge forward putting my weight into the punch as he quickly moved aside with Sophia. Turning he faced me.

‘Put her down right now’ I demanded through clenched teeth.

It enraged me to see him simply shrug at me. ‘Do you really think I’d let her stay with a mate like you? I mean you are a cheater who cant keep his dick in his pants’

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