Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Pacing back and forth in the room I growled loudly. How could Tanner turn a blind eye to her? She wasn’t the same, Sophia never learned how to move like that never knew how to protect herself. She never had to protect herself because I was there in the background keeping her safe and keeping the bad guys away from her.

Growling I slammed my fist down on the desk making the wood creak in protest. I hated how she kissed him in front of me. not even thinking about how it made me feel. I wanted someone to kill me or even better I wanted Tanner dead. I wanted his blood on my hands I wanted to see it glisten black under the moon lit sky.

Clenching and unclenching my hands as I paced quicker.

‘Tanner come on’ listening closely to the voice that was whining I knew it wasn’t Sophia’s. ‘Tanner look at me’

‘No Charlotte your lucky to even be here still. For what you did to Jordan’ Tanner warned.

‘That human girl is lucky to still be alive I want her dead! Life for a life Tanner. She took my baby from me, she attacked me that was the person!’ this Charlotte screamed. ‘She took life from me! I want her dead’

‘she wasn’t the same Charlotte it wasn’t Sophia’s fault. And I’m warning you if something happens to Sophia I will not hesitate to kill you don’t dare step out of line your walking on the edge now Charlotte no one will stop me because no one wants you here’ Tanner warned as I went to my door and stepped out. Not bothering too look at them I walked briskly donw the hall.

I needed to talk to Sophia, something was different about her she-she hits people now and obviously isn’t a virgin anymore. growling at the thought of Tanner taking away her virginity I wanted to turn around and beat the fuck out of him.

That was my job, she’s my mate I was suppose to be her first.

“well if you hadn’t of ran off to the first female in the first place she’d of been our first as well Zachary.” Tallon reminded me.

“she was ten years old damn it leave me alone”

“do you ever wonder why you were paired with a young woman? Maybe it was because fate knew you’d be a dog, your worst then a hooker they at least get paid for having sex no you slept with every female you could you could never keep your hands to yourself” he hissed to me. “Sophia went to someone who wasn’t like you, Tanner hasn’t been with a woman for many years”

“how is it that you even know this?”

“I have my ways Zachary, but Sophia didn’t want someone like you as a mate. You cheated on her after she was taken. You didn’t help it when you chose to sleep with that girl  one last time before looking for our mate. You left her in a restaurant while you fucked that slut in the car that you made her sit in while you took her home” he hissed. “if you had listened to me in the first place none of this would of happened. Sophia would have been our mate by now we’d of found a way to have children, she’d carry our mark and Tanner never would of came for her but you didn’t listen to me and now look what you have done! You have denied me the one person who was meant to make me whole again.”

“leave me alone” Sophia didn’t know about Bonnie she didn’t know about the things we’ve done’ I whispered to myself. She had to forgive me I’m her mate. The past is the past.

“gladly you have no idea what its like to want to leave you” he snapped back like a child.

‘Lex come on can we just drop it?’ Sophia’s voice carried to me as I paused in my tracks.

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