Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

:Zachary/ Sophia

(** signals transition)

"You used her" My voice billowed as I demanded it roughly pacing back in forth in the room a deep growl rumbling through my chest. "You used my mate to clean every damn house in this pack? You degraded her and made her feel unwelcome?!"

"She wouldn't hold her tongue or control that wild temper of her's. What was I suposed to do? The back was starting to doubt my power" he shrugged in a carefree tone as if that would pacify me.

Snarling I glared. "You know very well she is human. She isn't built like us. She doesn't have the confliction we feel when it comes to disobeying the Alpha" I let out coldly with a sneer. "You made her feel unwelcomed" I repeated to myself.

"Your mate was causing trouble for this pack. I did what I had to do to correct it. Do you know how taxing it was to look after a human child?" he demanded. "Human woman are ten times more emotional then a wolf, rules by their raging emotions. Damn it" he huffed. "You put me through hell"

"I did everything. I did absolutly everythng you asked of me to keep her here," I snarled feeling my nails sharpen, "You put me through hell"

"I kept her safe didn't I?" He sighed.

Rolling my eyes I snorted. "I let you have this pack. BUt do not cross me Drake. Because I can take everything away from you. You put my mate in jeopardy. How dare you think you can get away with it"

Flinching Drake cowered at the authority in my voice his body trembled in its spot unable to move.

"We-we made a deal" he stuttered out like a pathetic fool.

"Yea, and part of it was to keep her safe and feeling accepted and welcomed" I answered in a chilling tone.

"I am Alpha" He held his head a little higher as if to show a feat of dominance.

"Not if I dont want you to be" I reminded. "I can take athat back any second" I answered roughly as I reminded him.

"Well, well, well" the sickening voice of Darcy touched my ears as he came through the door he closed it behind himself with a sickening smile. "I came to talk to Alpha Drake, but it seems I should be talking to you War Wolf Zachary or shall I call you Alpha Zachary?" He raised a brow. "Your mate is alone at your hotel room if I am correct"

I gave a growl at the mention of Sophia I felt my wolf surface at this uneasy.

"I took the liberty of posting someone at her door"

I raised a brow at him waiting silently.

He gave a dramatic sigh. "You dont know a thing about the attacks happening up coast do you" His gaze hardened. "There has been a total of 20 deaths for the last to weeks from Washington down to New Mexico, all by the same group of men. Hybrids most likely from the hair samples we found on the females." He gave me a hard look. "Which is the second reason I am here, your pack being one of the largerst and we need men to help track and hunt down the Hybrids. I have the mates of the females out there who are barley hanging on to reality before they slip away into maddness and tear into their very own packs"

"We can't aford the men, I have a mate to get back to" I went to pass him.

The sound of Sophia's screams and yelling filled me with terror and anger I snarled.

"Put me down right now. I swear you better put me down. I demand you put me down" She yelled as she squirmed I darted out into the hall to find her thrown over a large males shoulder with his hand on her ass firly as she thrashed and kicked. "MY mate will have your head for this" she snarled in a fearsome tone, she mustered anger that would cause a wolf to tremble as she kicked away. "There will be blood!" she declared.

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