Chapter 11

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~rewrote this computer is now saying that some of my storys are *errors and cant be open* which sucks because of the fact that some were my new ones... luckily this one worked...anways hope you like it Comment? Vote? pwease? makes my day to see them :3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tonia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 11

: Tanner/ Sophia

Groaning I rolled over. Glancing at the clock  I gave a sharp curse, it was only six in the morning. Having only three hours of sleep I felt drained as I looked over at Sophia who had worked her way to the end of the bed hugging my body pillow her legs and arms locked around it as she snored softly. Smiling I felt a frown creep slowly into place.

Last night. She had, had ten attacks, and by attacks I mean that bastard was with a woman ten times last night. She had woken up with the sweats shaking and babbling reaching around for me till I came to her. All I could do was hold her and kiss her. I kissed the life out of her, making her lips swollen and puffy till her breath was coming in sharp little pants. All the while holding back my lust for her my needs didn’t matter at that time all that mattered was that Sophia had to get better. I hated to see her thrashing and shaking. I hated how her eyes looked when she lost her sight how her fame trembled under my hands till I kissed her.

Did my kissing her distract her from Zachary’s doing?

Rubbing my face I rolled back over into the pillow with a groan. How could she need up with such a mate? ‘T-Tanner?’ feeling the bed quiver I was quickly by her side. Her bangs clinging to her face. ‘I’m-I’m sorry…so…so sorry’ she whimpered as I swept her into a slow kiss taking the time to taste her and feel her as she responded her body molding to mine till she was as close as the clothes on my back. Her body slowly becoming like a second skin warming me stirring my needs to the surface. Quickly I pushed them down with a deep mental sigh.

Not yet… I couldn’t ask that of her just yet. Not any time soon because I wanted her to feel more comfortable around me to grow closer to me. We would get our revenge on Zachary soon but not yet.

Feeling her stop she went to pull away. ‘Don’t be sorry for something you cant control Sophia. I don’t mind at all’ I answered to her with a soft kiss.

Wrinkling her nose she held me away. ‘ok but can you brush your teeth…your morning breath is well… a slap in the face’ she muttered softly.

Chuckling I nodded as I got up and went to brush my teeth. ‘I had another one brought for you yesterday if you want to come brush your teeth.

Hearing her follow me she bumped me out of the way reaching for the purple tooth brush. Reaching for the white one I grabbed the tooth paste and squirted some on it then handed her the paste.


‘Sophia?’ grunting she glanced at me.

‘huh?’ she muttered as she stretched with a yawn flipping through the channels I sighed. ‘whats wrong?’

‘nothings wrong, I have a question though’ she raised an eyebrow as she waited. ‘do you remember much of the attack?’

Blinking she glanced away with a small nod. ‘I remember all of it’ she muttered softly with a quiver in her voice. ‘the, attackers got daddy when he was outside the house but he got inside in time to warn mom. She told me to crawl through the window to run but-but I didn’t I stayed when she left the room I hid under the bed. There was screaming…and growling so much growling’ she shuddered as tears trickled down her cheeks. ‘I thought the attackers had left because it got really quiet but then…a hand grabbed me and pulled me out. There was a wolf about to attack and that’s when Zachary found me. He stopped them…made them go away. And he brought me to Alpha Drake, I was really scared but Zachary made me feel safe…’ she whispered. ‘I never knew it was him till just recently.’

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