Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


Moaning softly I stretched arching my back up as Tanner muttered a curse when I pushed him away to get out of bed. Quickly settling back down he was fast asleep as I pulled the sheet with me as I went to the bathroom. Slipping into the shower I adjusted the water and let it run over my body letting myself sigh softly.

My skin was flushed and I couldn’t help but notice the hickey’s Tanner had left. Smiling I remembered how I had acted so daring and bold Tanner brought that out in me. Making me feel like I didn’t have to be afraid of anything.


Pushing the curtain aside I poked my head out as Tanner stumbled in with closed eyes as he felt around.

‘I have to go to the bathroom’

‘I’m in the shower sweetheart you can open your eyes. Do what you got to do’ I muttered softly with a chuckle. He was so cute. Opening his eyes he gave a shy smile.

‘I didn’t want to make you feel awkward.’

Closing the curtain I sighed. ‘Tanner, you’ve seen me naked I’ve seen you naked. To be honest it doesn’t make me feel awkward at all’ I admitted with a smile as I heard the toilet seat being put down.

‘ok but step back from the water I’m bout to flush the toilet’ he warned moving to the corner I shivered when the water went cold for a second.


Yelping when the curtain was pushed aside he slipped in and wrapped his arms around me. Giving me a kiss he pulled back as the water ran over our bodies. ‘don’t mind if I join you do you?’ shaking my head no I glanced between us and grinned. ‘hey no eyes up here’ he mocked at me. grabbing the shampoo he squirted some into the palm of his hands. ‘close your eyes sweetie’ sighing I did as he asked as he lathered the soap into my hair messaging slowly in circles his body pressed against my back making me shiver. Washing out the shampoo I opened my eyes.

‘you didn’t have to do this’

‘I know but I wanted to. You gave me the world last night’  he kissed the tip of my nose. ‘let me treat you good without having ask me why’ I let out a deep sigh and nodded as he grabbed the conditioner.


‘come on Tanner don’t tease me like that’ I whined when he skimmed his hands down my back to cup my butt. Swatting his hands away I grabbed my clothes and changed into them quickly while he tried to grab me again.

‘I’m the tease? You’re the one biting my neck!’ he threw his hands up in the air.

‘O it was an accident you grabbed my…my bum bum’ I whined with a blush. ‘you started it’

‘you know if I have to come in there to drag you out I will!’ Lex pounded on the door making me grin.

‘come on Tanner get a shirt on’ I pushed him back a step playfully winking at him.

‘you know your more sexy when your teasing me! tonight you will pay!’ he warned with a daring grin as he grabbed the first shirt he found. Which was a tight grey shirt that clung to his wide chest. Licking my lips I quickly looked away and slipped out of the room.

‘so did the night gown work? Wait scratch that those hickey’s on your neck are screaming sex’ she grinned at me. ‘took a shower right? Cuz I wanna hug you but I don’t want your sex sweat on me’

Rolling my eyes I nodded. ‘ya I took a shower’

‘o thank god!’ she threw herself at me taking me in a huge hug. laughing I hugged her back.

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