Chapter 33

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**just wanted to say sorry for the wait!! writers block...ok thats a lie hahaha i've just been to busy to upload** So anyways hope you enjoy**

Chapter 33


My wolf was purring at the thought of laying our claim on Tanner's smooth neck. To bury my incisors deep in his skin letting our enzymes lay my scent on him. 'Is there a reason your looking at me like I'm a piece of steak?' blinking I felt myself blush as I looked away from Tanner shaking my head. Chuckling he kissed my cheek his arm tightly around my waist. 'you know if you wanted we could of stayed in bed'

'You said we couldn't' I muttered as I turned my gaze up to his. 'Who's Blade?' his body stiffened as he pulled away from me to stand.

'someone you don't have to worry about love ok?' I nodded slowly.

'I shouldn't have asked.' I whispered softly

'I'll tell you in time sweetheart' he muttered softly as he sat back down next to me glumly as Nikko and Julia walked in giggling and laughing.

'those two are way to happy' Lex grumbled as she laid across Melody and Evan with a deep yawn.

'and you haven't had your coffee yet have you?' Evan smiled as he petted her head making her growl at him.

'you took the last cup!'

'or it could be something else' he hinted and my eyes trailed over her. I grinned I knew exactly what he meant. 'it's been three weeks babe'

'No' she snapped through clenched teeth.

'don't tell me.' Melody shot up. 'don't tell me you to did now use protection!'

Evan smirked. 'cats out of the bag' he rolled his eyes. they'd came out to us all after Alexander had left with Darcy. No body would tell her family so they were safe here. And I kind of liked seeing them be together in the open without having to worry about it.

'Shut up it-its just-' Lex stammered with wide eyes.

'I could check' Nikko offered as he glanced at Julia. 'I did the same with Julia a while ago' watching her face turn red he sighed. 'but we're not lucky yet' he kissed her forehead. They'd been trying for three weeks straight and just when they thought they were, they weren't. the likely hood of a half bred and a witch having a child were slim but they were hopeful. Nikko said he was about to use a fertility spell that would allow her to be able to have children but they would have to wait for the next full moon which was a month away.

'I don't need you to tell me I'm PREGNANT! Because I am NOT. N-O-T.  IM NOT!' Lex yelled as she shot to her feet.

'You would be the lucky one out of us all' I sighed to her making her frown drop as sadness slid into her eyes.

'I know you guys want children but, I don't. I know its wrong for me someone who can have kids to not want them but its just not me. if I could give my baby making organ to you I would because I know how much it means to you guys but I cant.' She shakes her head. 'I just cant'

Reaching out Evan pulled her onto his lap. 'I was just joking' he brushed her tears away.

'I know I'm an ungrateful bitch because I can have kids and yet I don't want them. While you guys want kids but cant have them' she sobbed. 'but if my parents found out...he'd know an-and I don't want Evan to get hurt...'

'don't, don't say that' I whispered softly as I clutched Tanner's hand. 'I know I can have a child I know I can' I stood up and brushed my pants off. 'your not ungrateful your just scared that's all' walking out of the room I leaned against the wall with a deep groan as Tanner walked out. Standing in front of me with his hands on either side of my head he leaned in and brushed his lips to mine.

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