Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

:Zachary/ Tanner

'what do you mean some ones calling me? I have more important things to do then talk on the phone' I hissed out in rage as I looked at Darcy.

'Just answer the phone because if you don't you'll hate yourself when I'm done' he threatened darkly with a glare.

Taking the phone I gave a huff. 'Hello?'

'Zach?' relief  swelled up in me calming my panicked wolf for a second. 'Zach is this you? Zachary?'

'Sophia?' gulping I clutched the phone.  O my sweet Sophia. I thought with a groan as I listened closely hearing her breathing come in steady breaths making my heart race. She was ok, she was little mate.

'O Zach' she gave a little sigh. 'Tanner let me call to tell you I was ok,' she groaned out in relief.

'Who's Tanner? Where are you can you tell me anything about this place your at?' I demanded quickly.

'Tanner is the one who took me' she answered simply. 'I don't know where we are but he says I'm safe here he's nice to me' she answered childishly.

Gulping I bit my lip. she didn't know the dangers that came with being around Hybrids. They could kill her...or even worst force themselves on her. 'Honey I'm coming to get you but it may take me a while you don't have to be afraid.'

'I'm not afraid, Tanner is very nice to me. He has me in a room right now because he says there are a couple uncontrollable people here but he's making it safe for me. He's really nice...Zachary?' she asked suddenly. Grunting I waited. 'Would you hate me if-if I kissed someone else?' hurt consumed me making my wolf howl out in pain.

Clutching my chest I sucked in a deep breath. 'Whos kissing you baby, are they hurting you?'

'He's really nice' she uttered softly.

'sweetheart their not forcing you to do things are they?'

'no he says  he wont make me do anything but I don't understand what he's talking about. He says he wants me but I don't get it is he trying to ask me to play a game with him?' she asked curiously.

Chuckling I let out a sigh. My poor little mate, so innocent. 'Ya sort of.'

'o I love games.' She squealed into my ear.

'You have to say goodbye now Sophia' another voice ordered gently making me growl.

'Do I have to?' she whined as I heard the phone move away.

'Yes I brought you some soup to eat ok? let me have the phone'

'Bye Zach' hanging up the line went dead.

'She's alive' I muttered softly. 'She's alive and someone kissed her...they touched my mate' I growled out in jealousy.

'He must not be all that bad sense he did let her call you, not to mention my sister is alive' Darcy muttered with a frown.

'She is?' nodding he sighed.

'SoSo said that she found her mate and that's why she left the castle. She also said the leader, Tanner didn't lead any hybrids to kill the mates so that means someone else is doing it'  he answered softly.

'how does she know he isn't lying?' 

'I've met him he puts his group first she told me they have a little group with people like them together that they don't operate like  a pack more of a group making decisions together' scoffing at the thought Darcy looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

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