Chapter 21

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*_* just wanted to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK you for the votes :3 like the made my day and  put a dorky smile on my face hahah glad you like it :3 anways so i figured i should post this before i forgot...hope you like it...hmmmm posts should become a daily thing again during the week unless i dont like what i write then i may end up rewriting it like i did to this one...five trys later and i got what i wanted XD anyways what are your thoughts on this story? anyone like? anyoen dislike?...on my other site i had someone yell at me to write it there way...which cracked me up a bit but owell i supose to each their own...***********************$kittle$**************************************************************************

Chapter 21


‘you’re the Mr. hot shot who’s been trying to control Sophia?’ Lex demanded

‘she’s my mate its not control when I’m trying to protect and take care of her’ Zachary hissed out making me flinch.

‘guys’ I demanded but they didn’t hear me Lex was shoving Zachary making him stumble back step by step as she continued to push him. ‘guys’ I whined.

‘let her be her she’s going to put him in his place’ Linley sighed. ‘they get like that’

‘how do you know?’ I asked curiously as I raised an eyebrow.

‘Evan saved me’ she gave a dreamy little sigh. ‘I was camping with a boyfriend and we were just starting to bed down for the night when I noticed he was different, he well’ she blushed. ‘he attacked me I thought he was just wanting some but at first it was light and sexy till he bit me and started to claw at me.’ she shivered as she pulled her shirt aside revealing her neck. ‘when I thought he was going to kill me Evan showed up and saved me. I found out that Han my boyfriend was a vampire that went level E. He was to afraid to break up with me so he planed out last date, before’ she took a deep breath. ‘before he was going to go to the council of the werewolf’s and have himself dealt with to keep me safe. He had no clue that he was out of time’ tears trickled down her face.

‘I saved her by giving her some of my blood, enough to heal her wounds but not enough to change her. I knew there was a risk to making a bond between us but Han made me promise to save her no matter what. I had Han taken to the council as he requested when he got some control of himself’ Evan butted in as he wrapped in arm around her as he tried to comfort her.

‘what about you what’s your story?’ Linley asked softly.

‘My parents were killed by rouge werewolf’s, my mate Zachary saved me but hid himself from me for seven years, for those seven years the pack he belonged to adopted me and took me under their wing. He just recently told me he was my mate but I knew about his past Tanner found me and took me to his home after a while well things happened and Tanner and I well we really are dating’  I gave Tanner a warm smile. ‘he makes me feel special.’

Lex stopped her yelling and her shouting at Zachary  who looked slightly annoyed and pissed. Watching him closely making me almost giggle. He looked like he wanted to shove her back but he was holding back. Tallon his wolf was on the surface showing clearly through his eyes.

‘Lex leave him alone’ Melody pulled her away from him as Lex broke loose.

‘how can I when he’s been such a jerk to Sophia?!’ Lex turned her dark glared back to  Zachary. ‘Come on Sophia doesn’t seem to mind she’s over there smirking’

Quickly hiding it I looked away blushing. ‘Lex you should be nice to him its not his fault’

‘not his fault that’s what I said when I was with my ex. One second he was telling me who I could and couldn’t be near and the next thing I knew I was slammed against the wall getting yelled at. Did I forget to mention he use to hit me?’ she challenged making me frown.

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